Amethyst Necklace

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   (The necklace above is the necklace in the story!)

  "I'm sorry." He said, tears spilling from his sockets. "I'm so so sorry. He was too strong I wasn't expecting him to come so soon! If I would have know I-...I would have..." He stopped seeing as you weren't paying attention to him. Your eyes were down cast and damp with tears of your own. A hundred things were running through your mind, but all went by to fast for you to catch onto them. You managed to sputter out a few words. Looking back up to him.
    "Anything... was anything saved?" Your composure broke down when he pulled a necklace out if his pocket. It was for one of your characters, a beautiful  amethyst necklace with a few green jewels attached to it and a spiral of silver covering it all. Out of everything you created, that was it. The village, the possessions, the people. All gone. You held out your hand and he placed it gently into your palm. Your knees buckled and you fell to the now white ground. You held it to your chest as you cried. Ink kneeled down next to you, and hesitantly put a hand on your back.
   "Creator... I'm so sorry. You had a beautiful world. I just wish I could have saved it..." New tears came to his eyes. He hated seeing creators like this. Like this beacuse he wasn't strong enough. He wasn't good enough... After about a half an hour you had calmed down, you stayed unmoving on the ground, clutching onto the necklace as if it would disappear too. Ink sat in front of you, not wanting to leave you alone with yourself. Eventually you sat up and looked at him. He fit the description of what you had heard. He wore several layers of clothes mostly variations of brown but a few marks of blue or gold but the thing that stood out the most was the large beige scarf and blue fur hoodie tied to his waste. He was sitting criss cross and his mouth was covered by the scarf as he looked to the ground. He seemed to be in deep thought. You wondered if you should talk, while the silence wasn't uncomfortable it definitely wasn't pleasant.
   "Are...are you really Ink?" As soon as though words left your mouth you wished it could go back to the silence you two had before hand. You were sitting on your knees, hands in your lap holding the necklace. Your face was still wet with tears but you were no longer crying. He looked up at you and blinked as if wondering what you were asking before he responded.
   "Yeah..? I mean it depends what you are asking." He was confused by your question.
   "I mean, I have heard of you before but I've never believed you were well, real." You rubbed the back of your neck.
   "Heh, well I'm definitely real." He said, nodding.
   "And Error?"
   "Yeah. If he wasn't, none of this would have happened..." He looked around at the white void you two sat in. "Again creator I'm so sorry..." He looked down to the necklace you held. You shook your head.
   "If Error is realy as strong as I heard he is... there is nothing you could have done..." It was silent for a moment before Ink spoke.
   "Error and I... we have about the same level of power. But... a few days ago he beat me... ever sense I've been fighting to get my power back. He hasn't given me a break. Its unlike him to attack a world so new... he must be getting tired himself... He is trying to destroy as a many as possible before he needs to rest." Ink seemed to be talking more to himself then you now. You looked at him, he hand a hand on his chin and was looking at the ground in thought. He sighed and looked back up to you.
     "Creator I-"
     "Y/N. My name is Y/N."
     "O-oh...sorry. Y/N I know I've alredy apologized but I truly am sorry for your loss." He put a hand on your shoulder. "If there is-" He was cut off by a very familiar screech. You looked behind you, there a little ways away was Elise. She was on the floor, rubbing her wrist, she must have fell when she entered the world... or what was left of it.
  "Elise?" You stood up, and went over to her.
  "Ow, ow, ow...Yeah, hey!" She looked up at you. She moved some curly brown hair from her green eyes. She looked up to you and smiled her dimples showing off the freckles on her cheeks. She stood up and looked around.
  "Elise... I..." You trailed off. She looked at you seeing how troubled you where. "It's all... it's all gone."
   "W-what? What are you talking about?" Elise looked around. "Wait... was this-is this the world?" You looked down and nodded your head.
   "How?! What?! What happened?!" She exclaimed. You explained everything to her.
   "Wait you actually met Ink?!" She said. You nodded again and pointed behind you turning around.
   "He's right he-" You stopped mid sentence. He had dissappeared. Did he not want Elise to see him? Strange... "He... must have left..."
   "Woah... I can't belive this is happening... you met the Ink! But at the cost of your world..." She sat down on the white floor taking it all in. You sat down next to Elise and held necklace in your hand.
    "Y/N I'm..sorry god and you just got done with it too." She looked at the necklace in your hand. "You should put it on. It would look pretty on you." You looked down at the necklace.
    "You think?" You didn't even think of wearing it before. She smiled and took the necklace from you, moving your hair out of the way and clipping it around your neck. She smiled.
    "I do. I wish I could stay longer but I have more homework I need to do, I just wanted to take a brake and see how your world was going... again I'm so sorry..." She made a pouty face and opened up her menu.
    "Alright I probably won't be here much longer anyways. Bye" You waved to her and she waved to you exiting the world. You sighed and looked at your neclace. One heck of a variable...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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