Chapter 18

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Greyson and I have been living together for a month now. I am 33 weeks pregnant and we have agreed to name our son Bentley Daniel May. Today, I woke up feeling unusually angry. I complained about my weight, the absence of cheesecake in the house (even though I despise cheesecake!), and Greyson's noisy chewing.

Eventually, I impulsively left for Jessica's house without notifying her beforehand. I knew she would be home as she prefers staying in before making a grand entrance at the biggest party during Spring Break. Although she may be stuck up and conceited, she is still my best friend and I love her regardless.

Upon arriving at her large house, I entered just as I had done since elementary school. I greeted Jessica's maid before heading up to her room.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Jessica asked when I walked in. Curled up in bed with her laptop and a paused Netflix movie, she seemed concerned.

"I don't know!" I unintentionally raised my voice before quickly lowering it. "I just woke up feeling so mad today but I have nothing to be angry about."

She nodded understandingly. "Sounds like pregnancy hormones."

I stared at her, daring her to provoke me, but surprisingly she didn't. Instead, she handed me a slice of pizza. "Take a seat. I'm watching Keith. You can relax here for a while."

Appreciative, I accepted the pizza and sat on her bed. "Thanks."

"Are things okay with Greyson?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, he's a great boyfriend. He's kind and understanding and he and Alex are getting along now. I don't want to have sex while I'm pregnant though."

"Did you express that to him?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No... But he hasn't even mentioned it." I admitted.

Jessica snorted. "That doesn't sound like Greyson. The first time I ever talked to him..." She halted upon noticing my expression. "Uh, never mind."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know. He seems to be changing and he seems to care about us."

She smiled at me. "For your sake, I hope he is."

I didn't spend too much time at Jessica's and decided to head home that same night. I thought about Greyson for most of my time at home. I had ignored him for many years because he didn't seem like my type, but now I'm realizing how wrong I was.

He is sweet, funny, and great with kids and animals. Despite his struggles with dyslexia and anxiety in school, he has a passion for astrology. Beneath the tough bad boy exterior, there is so much more to him. I see an incredible man who has faced hardships, and I do not doubt that he will be a great father to our son.

Just minutes away from home, I decided to turn on the radio and play the baby Mozart CD my mom had bought last weekend when I lost control of the wheel. I heard the screeching of my car tires and another car honking as I tried, unsuccessfully, to grip the wheel. The last thing I remember is seeing bright lights and feeling intense pain in my head before everything went dark and cold.

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