KingDings (Asgore X W.D. Gaster)

823 19 53

( Request by: igottadorito)

Oh no.... you guys are going to judge me so bad..... I knew this day would come but I don't think I'm ready. You all are going to quite literally slaughter me.

I am one-hundred percent guilty of shipping this.

This is another one where, to be honest, I have absolutely no clue to why I ship it, especially since it's not popularly liked.

I honestly probably started shipping it because of Zarla ( You should really go check out their art), even though she probably didn't intend on making people ship kingdings, her comics with Asgore and Gaster are just so cute. The way she portrays their care for one another apparently made me ship them.

Obviously, I ship these two AFTER Toriel left Asgore in the dust, because I wouldn't support infidelity ever.

Of course, I can see why people don't ship this, mostly because it makes no logical sense, but what can I say other than I ship it for no logical reason.

Ship Rating:

16/20 HP

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