Chapter 51

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It was another sunny day in California and the crisp air smelled fresh with the scent of cinnamon lingering through the slight wind that came from the bakery across the street. Jacob, Jordan, and Daniel were sitting on the bleachers of the public basketball court drenched in sweat with heavy breaths leaving their aching bodies. They've been playing a game of twenty-one for the past two hours and even played a full court game with some dudes that they see at the courts just about every day.

"So, y'all down for another game of 21?" Jordan asked as he twirled the basketball on his index finger. He was  the most energetic out of the three, next was Jacob. Daniel was more of the pretty boy type that smoked weed and sold it on the side. Though, he wasn't into sports as much as his brothers, he made sure to keep his 3.6 GPA. Jordan was the only one that played two other sports, baseball and soccer, aside from being point guard and shooting guard on the high school varsity basketball team.

Jacob grabbed his Gatorade printed towel and began wiping sweat from his wet forehead and around his neck. "Nah, bro. I got my workout in for today. And besides, I got a date with my boo in a few hours and I need to be heading home after a while." Jacob informed his brothers as he wrapped the towel back around his neck and pulled out his phone from his Adidas gym bag.

Jacob was still on punishment, but his parents still gave him some form of leeway. They saw how much their son was taking a liking to this girl and they knew sooner or later the two teens would cross each other's path. They didn't want to be the parents that hindered their children from loving someone or "being in love" with someone at his age. Both Jaye and Camille went through the same exact situation at Jacob's age, so they understood how he was feeling.

Layla, the girl that seems to have captured Jacob's heart, has been his best friend for three years. They both were pretty hesitant about dating each other, but the connection was just so strong that they felt it was only right to try. There's not a day that goes by that the two teens don't communicate. Even when they're on bad terms, they still manage to check in on each other. They were falling for each other, slowly but surely.

Jacob was the only boy that Layla found true interest in and she would be foolish to let him slip through her fingers. Jacob felt the exact same way. He recently asked her out a few weeks back and tonight he planned to take her on their first date. She was a cheerleader and played basketball on the varsity team as well. They met at their school's basketball camp one summer and their personalities instantly clicked. She was drawn to Jacob, intellectually and she found his thuggish persona to be enticing. She also came from a very wealthy home, but Jacob saw passed that and only wanted her for her.

Daniel smirked at his younger brother. He knew that Jacob would be the first to fall for a girl and settle down, even if there were only fifteen. "Aw shit. Aye Jor, look at our baby brother. Nigga all in love and shit." Daniel teased, nudging Jacob's head full of curly hair playfully.

Jacob wanted to cut his hair, but Layla refused to let him do it. She knew he would later regret because he's been so attached to it for the last two years he's been growing it.

Jacob smacked his lips as Jordan laughed at Jacob's facial expression. Jacob hated when Daniel teased him for being the lovey-dovey type, but he knew his brother was only doing so out of love and respect. Jordan wasn't too quick to fall for a girl, especially since he's the virgin one out of the three. Daniel on the other hand, is very promiscuous. He's always on call when it comes to getting pussy.

Jacob smacked his lips, mugging Daniel. "Man, gone with that shit, yo. I already need to ask Pops to line me up and you making shit worse." He sent a mug Daniel's way. The only person he allowed to ruff up his curly fro was Layla and she only does it when his face is between her legs.

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