Chapter 50

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                  Problem Child (s)
Excuse any grammatical errors.

"Camille is gone kill you." King said to his son as they drove towards their home from Jacob's school. It was the middle of the week, Wednesday to be exact, and King received a phone call from the school's principal saying that his son had gotten into a massive fight. He was at the barbershop just finishing up his last customer of the day and had planned to stop by the warehouse to check on things dealing with Tae.

It angered Jaye to the core because he had just preached to his son about fighting in school. He didn't mind if his son fought, but just don't do it on the school's premises and don't get caught. Not only that, but King found out that Jacob was failing biology and hadn't been showing up for class.

"The fuck is wrong with you, son?" King yelled as his eyes shifted back and forth between the highway and his son. He had one hand on the stirring wheel with the other draped across his lap. "What's the problem?"

Jacob dropped his head in shame and self disappointment. He knew that his parents weren't going to be too proud of his actions and it slightly pained him that he was being scolded by his father. His father was someone that he really looked up to. Someone that taught him more than any other human being can offer. He loved both of his parents, but Jacob is now getting older and he's somewhat grew out of that 'mama's boy' stage. Don't mistake him, he loved his mother more than anything in the world and it's a living fact that no other woman can take her place. It's just that he wants to hang around his father more.

"I don't know, pops. I ain't really been feelin' it lately."

"You gon' feel my fist upside yo' head if you don't give me a better explanation than that." King sternly spoke as his nose flared. He couldn't believe his son's actions and was very disappointed in his academic behavior. Jacob was always bringing home all A's that it really took his dad by a surprise that he was failing biology with a 64.49. Of course Jacob thought that his science teacher could've at least gave him that 1 little ass point. Even though it was his first F ever and it was only his grade for the class now, he now know how the other kids feel when it comes to that 1 point.

Jacob swallowed his spit and sighed before turning to look at the side of his father's head. It was no way to deny how much he favored his father. It was very evident that the both of them share the same facial features. He was truly a spitting image of his dad.

"It was over a girl." Jacob finally admitted. He wasn't ashamed to say it out loud to his dad, but it would sound stupid if he were to have told his homeboys, or better yet, his brothers. They would literally clown him, especially if he would have lost the fight, but he didn't. He sent the boy home with a busted lip, cracked rib, and a fractured, bloody nose. Jacob wasn't proud of his actions, but there was a very logical reason why him and Travis fought.

King's eyebrows met as his face turned into an angry scowl. He couldn't believe what he had just heard come from his son's mouth. "A girl! Nigga, the fuck you fighting over a girl for?! You getting yo' lil' dick wet!?"

Jacob raised an eyebrow at his dad's slick remark and smirked to himself. "First off pops, my dick ain't even little. I'm far from that. You can ask--"

King sucked his teeth, shaking his head. "Shut up." Jaye grumbled with a turned up lip as he gazed over at his fifteen year old son. "Don't get smart with me."

"Yes sir. But pops, there's more to the story than what Principal Brown led you to believe. It wasn't just over any girl, but a girl that is very special to me. Like Aaliyah would say, she's more than a woman." Jacob replied proudly as he sat back in his seat and focused his attention back towards the window. He watched as they passed by fast good restaurants and he was beginning to regret skipping lunch as his stomach roared for food.

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