to d.l.h.

6 1 0

Oh geez, where do I start
D, you're great
Too great for you-know-who(let's call them sam for now since it's a name for both sexes)
Sam is a mess and doesn't need to pull you down with them
You deserve soooooo much better than that
You're talking to them again, or you never stopped and you lied to me when you said you guys broke up
Honestly, idk and idc
I'm not mad
I'm just sad and disappointed that you let sam back to having you around her finger
They don't deserve someone like you
But you're stubborn and you won't listen to anyone
Sam is gonna influence you at some point and not in a good way
We're all just worried and protective of you d
Idk why you don't listen to me
After getting your heart broken so many times, one would think that you'd be done with dating for a little bit, but nope
What are you really looking for?
Bc what you're trying to find is not with Sam
Idk what else to say bc I've already said it before
And yet you still won't listen

I wish you'd play your instrument more
I wish you didn't leave it
You would've been so good
You're really fun to hang out with

I wish you would listen to someone who is just trying to protect you
love ya


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