elissa rain is my best fren

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she's been going through a lot rn and I'm sad bc I can't be always be around like I used to be last year bc I had most classes with her and now it's like only lunch and hallways
Idk what to do bc I'm afraid that my schedule will mess up our friendship and I can't afford to lose that
She means so much to me idk what I'd do if anything happened to her
Please help her and tell her that she's the beautiful, smart, funny, nice, awkward, sarcastic little ladybug that I know she is
Or anything bc she really is all this things and she doesn't even realize it
Elissa, I know you're reading this, and you should go to sleep, have nice dreams, text me if you have bad dreams, even if I don't respond, I'll talk to you as soon as I can
Please eat when you need to bc it's not healthy for you to not eat and it's worrying me
You're not fat
Arion's fat
You are not
You're beautiful just the way you are and you don't have to change anything about yourself to try to fit society's "idea of perfection" when there is no such thing as perfection
Don't compare yourself to girls like Amelia bc they're not you and you're not them
We're all different beings and it should stay like that
And it's okay
I pinky promise that it will be okay
It might not seem like it is now and I might sound cheesy saying that
But it's true
I'm always here for you and I always will be
You have me and all of your frens
We love you elissa
I love you
Don't ever forget that

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