tagity tag tag #2

16 1 0

eeetttt tagged me....again

- post rules
- answer all question
- 7 days to complete
- ask 13 more questions
- yes to tag backs
- who tagged you

1) how old are you?
I'm considering myself to be 14

2) do you have any Internet friends?
Hahaha, you think I have friends? Ha just kiddinh, I have friends, just not Internet friends

3) who is the nearest person to you right now?

4) do you want kids when you get older, if so, how many?
Yes, but no little kids, they're cute and all, but they're just plain annoying sometimes

5) on the scale 1 to 10 how awkard are you?
Realistically, probably like a 7 or 8, maybe 9

6) do you consider yourself emo, natural and colorful, or josh dun?
I think I'm punk, but idk, I don't wear a lot of black clothes and I'm a little too colorful to be emo.
I'm sorry if I offend anyone, I'm sorry, I'll stop now

7) potato?
Yes. I. am. Potato.

8) favorite movie?
As of the moment....Zootopia

9) are you a cat or dog person?
I'm allergic to cats, but they're cute. So dog person.

10) favorite thing about yourself?
Eyes, maybe hair

12) can you speak another language fluently or almost fluently?
No and barely

13) did you notice I skipped 11?
Yes. Yes. I did.

My turn:
1) Marvel or DC?
2) Fruits or vegetables?
3) if you got to meet your favorite person (as in 1 person), what would you do?
5) where you you go in the world and why?
6) what's your career you want to pursue when you grow older?
7) Grammar police?
8) thoughts on heathens by twenty one pilots?
10) what's the first thing on your clipboard?
11) what animals are you scared of?
12) what's the most annoying kid you ever met and what happened?
13) did you notice I skipped 4 and 9?

Anyone who wants to do this can bc I'm too lazy to tag other people oops

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