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I didn't go to school for the next week. I didn't feel in the mood. My mother thought I was back tracking, and she knew something was going on, that something had happened, but I had not told her what it was yet. The weather was bitter, the cold was setting in and I knew it was not going to be long before Kyle's plan was meant to take action. He knew I was alive, Abby had told me he had been seen hanging around the school since walking past each other at the shops. It was a good thing I was not going there, and that he did not know where I lived, yet. I knew if I had gone to school something bad was going to happen there. Since that day at Alex's house, everything about me was starting to change. I knew there were people watching over my house, protecting me and my mother. Mentally, my mind could not take any more of it, however, it would not rest. Though we were all concerned about what Kyle was up to, others things started to take form. Gabe explained to me that it was part of my developing skills and that none of them, Guardians or Angels had seen a human's skills become so strong. It hypened the theory that my father was one of them, but nobody still knew anything of him.

The weekend was here and it was finally the day we would be surprising Abby with a party for her and Gabe. All week if I left the house somebody had been with me, so it had been a little hard to find something for Gabe without him finding out. Alex was great though, he helped and he was good at keeping his mouth closed when it was needed. So we had gotten the gift while he was with me. Gabe and Matthew had offered to pick me up, while Alex and April had taken Abby out to distract her. It was a good plan and it was the first time that I felt excited about leaving the house to do something fun. Alex's father let us into the house to help set things up, and soon enough, the other guests were arriving. There was more this time then had been at Alex's birthday. Mostly Abby's friends, but a couple of Gabe's as well. A few of those who had been on the bikes the first morning of the school year. I knew that because one of them actually approached me and apologised for almost running me over. I didn't mind, that was over now, it was nothing compared to what else had been happening.

When it was time for Abby to arrive, we all moved outside to the back yard, where we had set up and waited. We could hear Alex inside just chatting away to Abby like normal and guiding her outside, as if there was something he was keen on showing her. Abby was laughing, thinking he was being silly until she reached the yard and froze. "SURPRISE!" we all called with smiles on our faces. Abby was so composed most of the time, and yet today, you could see her shock, her joy and the love she held for everyone for thinking of her like this. I knew it had been worth it, knew we had just made her day in the best way anyone could.

It had sure been a fun afternoon. People sat around talking, Alex's father cooked the BBQ and his mother bought out the cold dishes and sweets. A few games took place, silly and fun, but everyone had a ball none the less. Alex pulled out his MP3 docking stations and plugged his Iphone into the port, starting up the music. Nobody knew how long the party was going to go far, but nobody was bothered with rushing off. Some of us got up and danced to Alex's tunes, and as he joked, being a typical gay, he loved the girly clubbing music that one could dance to, compared to the heavy metal, none of us complained.

Matthew had a lot of fun, moving from one person to the next, dancing with them, making jokes and being his normal flirting self. I found myself laughing at him a lot and messing around with Abby and Claire. April seemed to be a little on the off side, and I wondered if she was concerned about something. I did approach her at one point and ask her if things were ok. She just explained she was worried. Happy that we could have fun, but worried for what was to come if we could not stop Kyle. I understood where her stress came from, I felt it the same and I gave her a hug. She was grateful and it relaxed her a little, but I knew it was not going to be that easy, but at least it helped for that moment.

As the sun started to go down, A few of the guest disbanded and started heading home. Those that stayed behind sat around the fire pit and just started to talk. It was just basic stuff, we could not talk about the greater things, for Beth and Claire were still there with us, but we could still communicate internally if we wanted. Then Matthew decided to come up with some brilliant idea to play Truth or Dare. I was a little skeptical playing the game, but I trusted those around me and so I joined in. It started with the basics. Daring somebody to do push ups, or jump until it was their turn next. The truth questions were funny simply things, like favorite food, movie, book. Though as always, things picked up and got a lot more personal. "Beth! Truth or Dare!" Matthew asked her, a cheeky grin on his face. She picked truth, and Matthew rubbed his hands together. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he quizzed. She looked down at the ground, blushing a little. We could tell the answer was yes. I looked to the others, wondering why this was news to them, I was not so surprised as them, and most of all Alex was in complete shock. "Who?" he asked, considering they were best friends and he should have known something like this. She shook her head, not willing to tell us. "One question at a time. Now it's my turn. Alex! Who are you crushing on right now?" she asked, completely changing the topic off of herself. "Hey! I didn't even get to pick!" Alex debated with a laughed. She shrugged and smiled. "And when have you ever done a dare tonight. You always go truth, every time we play this game." she told him giving him a little shove in the arm. Alex looked around at everyone with a cheesy grin and then gave me a little wink. I didn't know why he did that for, but I assumed it was something to do with information I found out when I first started to get to know him and Beth. "Not that it is not obvious. I like somebody within this group. Frankly, not many choices." he said. Everyone laughed and started asking. We all knew, it was either Gabe or Matthew. I looked to either of the boys, wondering what they thought. Gabe looked like he had lost interest in the game, and Matthew looked like he knew the answer and kept stealing glances at Gabe. "That is my answer. I will let you all sweat on it for a little while. Now my turn..... um... Abby! Have you ever been in love?" Alex asked, looking at Abby.

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