"If it's possible, please," he said, slightly bowing. Robin knew he must've looked like an addict -- his hair was unkept and his robe wasn't on properly -- but what can anyone expect from him? He'd spent the rest of the weekend in his room, trying to figure out another spell he could learn.

Suddenly, three books appeared stacked on Zelda's hand. She held them out to him, placing her other hand on top before he could reach out for it.

"Do NOT share this with a single soul, understood?" She placed them on his hands after he nodded.

"Thank you, Zelda," he began, "I greatly appreciate the chan-"

"There's just one thing: why do you need it?"

Robin flushed a bit. "W-well, you see, I'm the only person from my universe that doesn't use some kind of counter attack. I thought this spell would help with that."

"I see..." Zelda said, trailing off before nodding, "then I hope it serves great purpose to you."

"Thank you again!" Robin said as he walked out of her house. He made his way back to his own home, taking the back trail to avoid running into Lucina and Pit. The last thing he wanted was to go for a run with those two.

A dark cloud covered the overcast light, and Robin slightly panicked. He didn't want Zelda's books to get wet! Picking up the pace, he saw a back exit to the village that he never noticed before. Curiosity got the better of him, and he slowed down to peek his head through.

There was essentially nothing but dense forests like the ones he saw the first time he came to the village, but Robin felt adventurous enough to continue, noticing a slightly worn out path. Someone likes to come through here, but why?

"Well, well, what were the odds?" Robin groaned at the familiar voice. He turned to see Dark Pit, standing there smugly with his arms crossed and wings outstretched.

"Did you follow me?" Robin asked.

"I could ask the same, since you're in my hideout." Dark Pit shrugged, smirking. "I guess you just can't get enough of me."

"I'm not going to fight you again," Robin said, holding his ground. Dark Pit came forward, standing almost unreasonably close. The books were the only barrier between the two. He raised his hand, and Robin flinched involuntarily. Dark Pit laughed and snatched a book from the stack and Robin gasped.

"Give it back!" He exclaimed, but Dark Pit ignored him and sprang up to a tree, settling in a higher branch.

"Well, come and get it," he winked. Robin huffed, but placed the other two books under a bush, hoping they'd be safe there.

His first few attempts to even begin climbing the tree failed, and he was feeling even more humiliated at Dark Pit's laughter.

"Come on, Bird-boy! You can do better than that, can't you?" Dark Pit called, watching him with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Robin looked up at what he could see of the sky. It had gotten even darker as the clouds prepared to rain on them. He had to get up there quick.

Of course! He reached for his tomes, amazed he forgot them.

"Elwind!" He commanded, pushing his hand down as he skyrocketed into the tree. He grabbed hold of the branch Dark Pit was on, and the doppelgänger's eyes widened. They stared at each other for a brief second before a terrifying snap was heard, sending the two tumbling down the tree and into more branches. Robin reached for the book, but Dark Pit's hold on it was tight.

Life in the Smash VillageWhere stories live. Discover now