In Preparation

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As the days before the first fights of the tournament arrived, the Gym and its simulations were in more use than before. Everyone wanted a chance to workout their techniques and prepare some last minute strategies. All the activity caused the Gym to smell like sweat and determination.

Robin, however, sat perched on a bench, simply observing it all. He had come to make notes on the styles of individual fighters, yet found himself dazed, a pen and empty notepad on his lap. His fingers were wrapped around the edge of the bench tightly, curled enough to cause his knuckles to go whiter than cotton.

Peach was cleaning off small beads of sweat from her forehead when she noticed the zoned out tactician. She placed the small pink towel on the treadmill and made her way over to Robin.

"You okay there, Birdboy?" She asked once she was close enough and placed a hand on her hip. Her voice was commanding enough to knock Robin out of his trance, and he awkwardly stood up quickly, dropping the notepad and pen to the tiled linoleum floor.

"Yes ma'am!" He exclaimed, and after realizing he dropped his belongings, he laughed nervously at the princess. "Must've dozed off there, heh..."

"It would seem so, Birdboy." Peach smiled, settling herself in the seat next to where Robin had been sat. "So, what are you writing about?"

"Oh," Robin dove to recollect his objects before retaking his seat, "I was taking notes on strategies, but I haven't really gotten to the note taking part yet..."

"Why is that?" She replied, taking a quick swig from her bottled water. "Found yourself swooned?"

"Wh-what?!" Robin's face burned bright red at the innocent accusation. "No, I'm just nervous about the tournament." He stole a quick glance in the direction of the stage simulator before turning back to Peach.

The princess caught the eye movement and followed it, noticing that the simulator was in use by Shulk and Zelda, the latter of the two seemingly in the lead. A gentle smile formed on Peach's small mouth.

"I can see that being an issue," she looked back to Robin, her most reassuring voice breaking through, "but don't worry; there's a place for everyone here. Just be yourself~"

Peach finished her small speech with a wink and walked away from the spot on the bench, Robin left dumbstruck to her words.

"I-I didn't need love advice?" He tried to call after her, but she seemed to not hear him and continued on in her trek to the machines.

Robin sighed, looking back down to his notepad, then to the simulation. His eyes found Shulk quickly, watching him recover from a near knockout. Uneasiness spread through his stomach, causing his heart to race and face to feel prickly and hot. The memory of two nights ago was impregnated in his mind, although a tad blurry. He couldn't remember what happened after or how he got home, but the morning that followed was full of terrible hours of nausea and dreadfulness.

I have to get outside. Robin thought as he felt the air around him thin and became harder to breathe. The knots in his stomach were multiplied, and he felt as if everyone watched him run out of the Gym -- exposed and vulnerable.

The air outside was much more helpful in breathing, and Robin relaxed himself on a tree, one hand to his chest and the other running through his hair. He took several deep breaths, trying to steady his shaking body, but little progress was made. His knees gave way and Robin sunk to the floor, finding it easier to control himself once he was curled up in an upright ball. Knees against his chest, he wrapped his arms as tight as he could around them, the pressure aiding to his panic.

It seemed like an eternity before he tried to move again, keeping even his eyes locked on two specific blades of grass, watching them dance in the cool wind. However, he slowly loosened the grip on his now aching legs and unwounded his body. He ended up with his legs splayed in front of him and hands on this lap, still staring at the grass couple.

What have I done? What have we done, Shulk? More importantly...why are you avoiding me?

"Who's avoiding you?" Lucina's voice caused Robin to jolt alive, the poor tactician realizing that he had been thinking aloud.

"Lucina!" He gasped, looking up to her. "It's nothing! I-I just think that...oh! We haven't talked much since we got here!" He lied, hoping she'd buy it.

"Oh my goodness, you're right!" She stared at Robin in horror, hand over her mouth. "The only time we really talked was that night in town! Mind if I sit with you?"

A smile spread across the tactician's mouth as he nodded, touched that his closest companion was horrorstricken by her absence. Maybe she was all he needed to feel better -- a good conversation with an old friend.


Link and Marth were surprised by how barren the Mess Hall was given that it was lunch hour. Kirby waved at them from his booth at the corner of the room, the table filled to the brim with plates that covered the Food Pyramid.

"I still don't know how he does that," Marth remarked, a disgusted look on his face. Link just laughed and shrugged.

"I've known Kirby since the first tournament and am just as clueless as you! But it's still fun to watch," he said as Kirby vacuumed the table clean with his mouth.

"Sure, let's just go get food before he sweeps it again," Marth pointed out, and the two made their way to the buffet line.

Situating themselves on a two-person table, the two heroes began eating without a word. The sounds of dishes being moved around filled the nearly empty Mess Hall, and Marth looked up from his unbitten sandwich at Link expectedly.

"Hey, Link," he began, and the Hylian didn't stop eating but hummed in response.

"Zelda broke up with me."

Link coughed and dropped his fork, nearly choking on the fish he'd been eating.

"Wh-what?!" He mumbled, trying to swallow what was in his mouth before continuing, "she dumped you? Zelda?"

"Who else, Link?! Yes, I got dumped!" Marth sighed and closed his eyes, rising a hand to his forehead and pinching the sides of his nose.

"Hey, I'm sorry -- it's just so weird to hear those words from you. I've always known you as the dumper, not the dumped..."

"I know, I know, it's hard to believe," Marth sighed, "I can barely believe it myself."

"Do you know why? Because this seems out of the blue to me." Link questioned, cautiously taking a bite from a string bean.

"We just..." The Hero King hesitated and bit his lip, "grew out of touch is all."

"Oh,"  Link murmured, "that's a terrible feeling, but I guess it's better than staying unhappy in a relationship."

"Yeah, I just need some time to get over her. I'll be fine by the tournament, don't you worry!"

Link half-heartedly smiled in response, stuffing his face with the remainder of his string beans.


I apologize for the late update, had a chaotic summer!

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