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Sam x reader : Based on the prompt "Dance with me - You help distract Sam in certain ways when him and Dean are fighting ..

You walked into the bunker and was met with the sounds Sam and Dean arguing. You sigh and contiuned down the stairs. Their fighting had become a normal occurrence these last couple days.

You walked into the kitchen to put the food you were bringing in. " just back off Dean Sam said walking into the kitchen. " Whatever Sammy" Dean called back. Sam just rolled his eyes and turned to you

" Do you need any help?" he asked you handed him the milk " sure you replied. " what are you and Dean fighting about this time?" you asked as you put up the rest of the food.

" He borrower my laptop and didnt brother to charge it when he was done " Sam said. "then he wanted to blare his music extra loud and refuse to turn it down. " wont help with any research. " Sam contiuned running a hand down his face in frustration.

You walked over to him taking hands into yours. His gaze connected with yours Just relax you two just been spending too much time with each other lately " you said

You grinned "But I have an Idea " you said What is it?" he asked you pulled yourself up to pressed a soft kiss to his lip " just have to wait and see later this evening alright " you said He grinned "Can't wait "he replied returning the kiss a little more deeply.


After some smooth talking on your part you manage to convince Dean to out to the evening leaving the bunker just to you and Sam. Sam was going over some books so you slip into the shower and then quickly changed into your favorite dress.

It was a blue soft silk thin strap that crisscross the back and fell just above your knee. It was Sam 's favorite dress as well you thought as you brushed your hair down letting it fall over your shoulder.

You left your room and headed out to find Sam. You stop in the doorway of the library and watched him for a moment as he was lost in the reading. You walked over to him catching his attention when you lay your hands on his shoulders and gently squeeze.

He looked up from the book his eyes got bigger as he took in your outfit. " wow " he said as he turns in his chair sliding you in between his legs. His hands settled on your waist.

"what is this about?" he asked You lifted a hand up to run your fingers though his hair " I got Dean out of the way for a few hours and so I figure you and me could just have the evening to ourselves " you replied

He grinned " I like the sound of that " he replied as he slid his hands up your body pulling you closer to him. " what do you have in mind?" he asked as he pulled your head down for a kiss.

" Dance with me " you said against his lips. His grip on you tighten as he deepens the kiss. You pulled away earning a groan from him you walked over to the stereo that was in the room and turned on the music.

Sam stood up and pulled you into his arms as the music began to float around you. You wrap your arms around his neck his arm came around your middle using his strength he lifted you up a little.

You grinned lifting your head slightly your mouth meeting his in the beginning of a soft kiss. Between the kisses and music, you were completely lost to him.

Soon dancing wasnt enough the need was buliding his kiss became deeper as slowly back you up against the table not breaking the kiss his hands slid down your body.

He begins to pull up the bottom of your dress before slipping both hands underneath the fabric to skin on skin. Your own hands already undoing the button of his shirt.

Suddenly he lifted you up and sat you on the table moving his mouth down your jaw and down your neck. You closed your eyes. " as much as I loved this dress on you " he said softly into your ear. As he tugged your dress up over your head.

but it looks much better on the floor he said as tossed the dress to the ground and moved in and settled between your legs you reached for him pushing at his shirt.

" Not fair that I am the only one undress here" you mummer. He chuckled as he quickly removed your bra before lowering his mouth and captured one breast in his mouth. A loan moan came out of you as you arched your back

He contiuned to tease you until you moaning and calling out his name repeatedly. You could feel his need growing as he was slowly pushing his hips into you.

He suddenly shifted and was pulling you up helping you wrap your legs around his waist. " bedroom now he said. As he started walking you back towards the room.

You lowered your head and started kissing the side of his neck his pace quicken as you started to tease his ear. Suddenly you were on your back on bed watching as he quickly removed his shirt and lost his pants.

You reached out and pulled him down on top of you. Your mouth finding his in a heated kiss. You both moaned into the kiss holding onto each other. You didn't care how many times he held you like you this. You knew you would never get enough.

"So how are you feeling?" you asked as you settled into Sam's side laying an arm over his chest. " more relax " you said he grinned Was that your end game?" he asked

You smiled and reached up and kissed him it was" you said or at least help you take your mind off your argument with your brother " you said

He chuckled pulling you tighter to his side. " your very good at distraction " he admitted. You laughed So next time Dean is being a butt just think about me and that little blue dress you said.

he rolled over pinning your underneath him you giggled What are you doing?" you asked I am thinking about you and that little blue dress right now he said " and I am thinking I am needing a little bit more distraction "

supernatural boys !!!    -Request are openTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang