Turning words into Reality

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Requested : Can I plz have a Sam x reader where they are reading thru supernatural books and come across chapters where they end up together in the near future and Dean keeps reading to them the smutty chapter's of them out loud detail at any chance they he can.

It was a quiet day no monsters no world ending .. just a day to sit back and relax and take a breath or two. You loved to read but with hunting you didn't get to enjoy it as much as you use to.

But now that you had the time you were going to take advantage of it . Currently you were reading the "Supernatural books " that someone you think it was Charlie brought over a while ago. Dean groaned and complained when he saw you were reading them. But you had told him that you were curious to see if they really got every detail right.

You were curled up on the couch reading when Sam walked in ."hey what are you doing?"he asked as he sat down next to you on the couch. "Just reading " you said glancing at him. "What are...oh not you too " he said when he saw what you were reading

You giggled .."Sorry Charlie got me into them and I was curious. " you told him Sam sat back and sigh. You went back to reading but after a few minutes Sam sigh and reached over for a book. You looked up at him

He shrugged "I never actually read them and it will be interesting to see our story from someone else point of view. " he said you nodded and settled down again to read.

It was nice just to sit and read in the peace and quite with Sam .. every once in a while one of your would make a comment or pick on the other. It wasn't until you started on one of the last of the books that you read something that had your heart jumping into your throat

Y/N sat down on her bed she felt like her heart was breaking.. how was she suppose to act around Sam now that he knew how she felt for him. How was she suppose to see him day after day and know that he didn't feel the same

There was a knock on her door and she looked up heart pounding as Sam walked in shutting the door behind him. "Sam I .." Y/n was cut off from trying to explain as Sam pulled her to her feet and crushed his mouth on hers... the kiss was heated and the room felt like it was spinning.

Finally Sam pulled back ..starting at her with emotion filled eyes.. " you left before I could say that I feel the same way " and kissed her again. ...

You couldn't read any further than that . Your mind was still trying wrap around what you had just read. Did this mean.. that you and Sam?" you glanced over at Sam next to you . He was concentrating on the book in his hands.

Of course you had feelings for the man how could you not. He was sweet smart brave one of the best hunter you ever met. He was perfect in every way . You were afraid to say anything to him because compare to him .How could he like you .. you were just you ..

"Y/N are you ok?" Sam asked looking up from his book " uh.. yeah.. so it is true that everything in these books come true " you asked him.. Sam nodded "So far they been right on the money " he replied

"Why ?" he asked .. I uh.. nothing .." you stood up " I think I am going to make something to eat ?" you hungry " you asked Sam gave you a funny look " Are you sure you ok ? " he asked you nodded

" I am good just hungry " you said and hurried out of the room.


A couple days later you had done your best to push the books out of your mind. You tried hard not to act different around Sam but you knew that he could tell something was different. One day you walked into his room to tell him something and stop when you noticed what he was doing

he was stretched out on his bed reading the Same book you had been reading a couple days ago. Your heart just started racing "What are you doing?" you asked

Sam looked up at you " I have been wondering what been brothering you and I figure it out had to do with the books we had been reading .." You froze to the spot .. trying to come up with some way to brush this off.

"Do I have to asked if this is true ? " he said you bit your lip and nodded .. he put the book down. and stood up and walked over to you .. you were frozen to the spot you looked up a little to met his gaze . it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

"Sam ?" you spoke softly.. he didn't say anything just reached up cupping your face with his hands and then brought his mouth down on yours. It was sweet and slow.. you open up to his demanding mouth .

Sam pulled back slightly .. "Was that what you were worried about ?" he asked and you nodded .. " your so ..just perfect..and I am just me " you said not looking up at him " hey don't talk like that " he said as he made you look up at him

He kissed you again softly.. " Your beautiful , Smart, funny and every time I look at you this happens.. " he said taking your hand placing it on his chest so you could feel his heart racing in his chest.. "just like mine " you said softly.

He kissed you again this time pulling your body closer to him hands on your hips.. as he pushed you slowly back to the bed ...


You and Sam were lounging on the couch watching a movie you were laying in between his legs leaned up against his chest his arms around you . Dean suddenly appeared holding a book and grin .

"What is that look for Dean ?" you asked as dean lifted the book and began to read..

Sam lifted Y/N up by the waist and sat her on the kitchen counter as his mouth was on her demanding for her to open up to him. Y/n hands' found their way into Sam 's hair as the kiss deepen.

Suddenly her shirt was off and laying on the floor across the room..

" Dean would you shut up " Sam snapped you felt your face redden. "Dean grin ..just please tell you guys really didn't do it in the kitchen.. that where we eat " he said laughing as he walked into the kitchen.

A little while later he comes back in " hey I found another good one...

Y/N was laying on her back on the bed waiting as Sam leaned over trailing kisses down her body after he removed the last of her clothes.. Her back arch off the bed as Sam found the most sensitive spots with his tongue . His name falling from her lips like a prayer. "

At this point Sam stood up " Dean that is enough " he said reaching for the book in his brother 's hands. "Sam it ok " you said standing up and Sam looked at you confused .. "What why?" he asked

You grinned at Dean "Cause he jealous .. he hasn't got to the good parts between him and his Angel yet. " you replied.. causing Dean face to go bright red and Sam to bust out laughing.

Dean dropped the book and storm out of the room. But you guys didn't have to worry about him reading any more of those books anymore.. well at least not about you and Sam that is..

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