Unexpected but not unpleasant side effects

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Sam x reader  Dean x reader

You and the guys are on the hunt for a witch .But things don't go as plan  as the guys are hit with a spell  and the side effects are not what is  excepted  but no one could  complain about.

It took 2 whole days to find the witch that had been slowly driving the good people of a small sleepy town in Indiana completely crazy." I hate witches " Dean grumbled to himself as he pulls the car into the parking lot of a very shady week to week hotel.

" You think that she would choose classier place to do business" you comment. She probably figured that no one would think twice if something weird went down in this place " Sam said. " He had a point " you thought as you check your gun and the witch killing bullets inside. You all climb out of the car and headed inside. Surprise! surprise the inside was even worse than outside. Dark stain carpets and cracked walls. You already couldn't wait to get out.

The three of you walked down the long dark hallway to the very last room. You couldn't help but noticed how quite everything was, that was never a good sign. Dean slowly touch the door handle and twisted it and you watch as the door open very easily. The three of you shared a look

talk about a bad sign " Dean pushed the door the rest of the way open and raised his gun as he moved inside the room. You followed him covering in his back, Sam followed you doing the same. You guys slip into the room it was dark and the only light was from a candle that was sitting in the middle of the room sitting on a small round table.

You waited for your eyes to adjusted to the dark and you noticed that the room was completely bare except for the table and the candle. You saw dean duck into the only other room and that the bathroom but came out a second later he shook his head. Looks like the room was empty.

"So, who else has the feeling that she knew we were coming " you spoke softly and Sam snorted " you think " he replied. "shah guys do you hear that?" Dean said you fell silent and that when you heard the soft humming it started out soft but then it started getting louder and louder.

Suddenly the guys were thrown up against the walls by some invisible force. They dropped to the ground but didn't get up. You raised your gun spinning around but didn't see anyone. You started forward but then you were suddenly being pinned to the wall again by something you cant see.

The gun was tearing from your hand and thrown across the room. "you should have just left me alone a voice said sounded right in your ear. You turned your head and saw a beautiful blond suddenly appeared next to you. She didn't look like what you think a witch would look like. Hair that was so blond that it looks almost white and light blue eyes You try to jerk yourself a way but it was no use her hold on you was to strong.

"If you had just left me alone then none of this would be happening " she said again with a huge grin on her face as she walked over to the boys who were still knocked out. She laid a hand on each of them and closed her eyes. the smile getting bigger as she did. She opened her eyes and stood up meeting your eyes

those two have a lot of thoughts a lot of very interesting thoughts." she said with a giggle. You glared at her" So what are you going to do. If youre going to kill us what is stopping your " you snapped. She walked back over to stand in front of you.

" I was going to just kill you but I think this will be more fun" she said as she laid a hand on your forehead she closed her eyes and started to whispering something that you couldn't make out. The room started spinning and you tried to keep focus but it wasn't working as your eyes started to fall shut and the darkness overcame you.

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