It's all in the Touch

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anonymous asked:

Hi, could you write a sub! Gabriel\reader with lots of wing! kink and fluff and cuteness at the end? I really love your writing xD

so I totally love this idea and I am going to give it my best shot since I have never written for Gabriel before hope you like it

You waived one last time as you watch the impala finally disappeared around the corner and you sigh and walked back into the bunker closing the door .Finally you were alone Sam and Dean were heading out on a case and would be gone a few days .After deciding they could handle simple salt and burn without your help you had offer to say back and help with any research they might need while on the case. Witch would leave you with the next couple days completely fee to what you want. Thank you !!!!!

Now there was many things you could be doing with a day or two free .But there was only one thing you wanted to do be doing. and now that the boys were gone all you had to do was wait. You knew that all you had to do was pray and he would be there in a instance. But you wanted be chased so knowing that he could see any thoughts you wanted him to see . You made yourself a nice warm bubble bath and slip in . You closed your eyes and let the. Warm Warner relax your body . You sent out the images of you in the tub waiting and wanting. You kept your eyes closed and waited it didn't take long to hear the sound fluttering wings in the small bathroom. You open your eyes and smiled as Gabriel was now in front of you .his usual cock smirk was gone ..his beautiful Carmel colored eyes were darker than normal with want and need. You could tell he wanted to move and touch .. but he stood very still . You smiled " Liking what you see ?" you asked he cleard his throat before speaking "Sugar I am loving what I am see ..but it would a whole lot sweeter if you I could touch as well " he said his voice was deeper and rougher than normal. You smiled and slowly stood up you saw his breath hitch for a second and his hands fisted at his side he started to move forward but stop himself. You couldn't help but feel a thrill of knowing you were turning this man.. this Angel on .. he was so powerful in his own right but at this point he was completely under your control. Just watching his reaction to you was causing a slow fire to build in the pit of your stomach and you knew once he touch you it would only grow. Without taking your eyes off him you reached for your towel and wrap it around your body. You heard him groan and you slowly walked over to him and because you could you leaned in making sure your chest brushed up lightly against him you kissed the side of his neck knowing that Is the one spot that really turn him on. you heard him groan again. as you slip past him into the bedroom.

He followed closely.. you turned around and step closer to. "So are you ready to touch me then " you asked "more than ready " he said as you felt his hand lay gently on your hips . The fire in your stomach started climbing a little bit more your heart was racing. "Well so am I but I need one thing from you first " you said softly as you leaned forward and lightly brushed you lips against his .. a smile appeared on his face cause he knew what you were asking for. suddenly the room was filled with a bright light and you had to shut your eyes for a second to keep it from blinding you and when you heard the fluttering of wings again you open them up and grinned .No matter how many times you saw them they still amazed you. Gabriel 's wings were the most beautiful things you had ever seen . They were the white a pure white nothing like you had even seen before and so soft almost like silk but even softer. You reached out to gentle stroke one of the feathers and you felt him start to tremble.. his grip on your hips tighten and he closed his eyes as you ran your fingers down a couple feathers. He had told you that the most sensitive part of an angel is their wings and boy he was right. "Y/N" you name came out on a low groan in a pleading way . he was begging to let him touch you .You took both hands now running then down each wing and suddenly he was pulling you into his pressing your body against his and you could feel the effect this was having on him. He pushed his hips forward into you. and you groan. "please " he said as his hands slowly undid the towel and let it dropped to ground his hand found your breast and gently squeezed and you gasp .. you nodded unable to speak and that all it took to he captured your mouth with his in a heated kiss. you wrap your arms around his neck responding opening up and letting him taking control. He pushed back to the bed and next thing you knew you were on your back and he was crawling on top of you. " You drive me crazy you know that " he said as he started a trail of kisses down your neck sucking and gentle biting in certain spots. " what do you think you do to me " you replied as you rocked your hips up to him . you tugged at his shirt to removed it needing to feel skin on skin. " he chuckled and suddenly his clothes were gone. you grinned "that is handy " you replied and he grinned and kissed you but it soon turn deep and demanding from both sides. You moved your arms around so you could run your fingers though his wings again causing him to growl and nip at your bottom lip . you groan and clung onto him as he quickly brought you over to the edge and the slowly burning fire in the pit of your stomach exploded and you fell apart in his arms.

After a while of laying in his arms tying to come down from the high you were feeling. you were tucked into his side head on his chest. " we don't do this often enough" he said. and you giggled" it kind of hard to when Sam and Dean are always around. he chuckled hey I can always dropped them into TV land again "he offered and you laughed. "That very sweet of you " you said and he grinned ..Suddenly your stomach growled and he laughed .. " are you hungry " he asked. . you nodded " no problem and snapped his fingers and a bowl of your favorite ice-cream appeared " you laughed " thanks " you said as you sat up . you u picked up the spoon and took a bite and sigh .. when you looked over at him he was watching you his gaze was darken again and you knew that look and then you felt his hand slid up your leg onto your thigh." I am trying to eat my ice-cream here " you said.. he gave you a wicked grin " oh believe me that ice-cream wont be wasted " he said leaning over to captured your mouth with his . And he was right the ice-cream was put to a very good use.

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