Chapter 39: Unexpected

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I had been at my mothers house worried sick, though I acted like I was completely okay with everything. Well, no I was not! My beloved brother and boyfriend are both in the middle of war and I have no way of knowing if they will make it back until they show up. Unless some soldiers I don't know come up to my door and tell me my loved ones are dead. I was freaking out and hypervenalating in my room at my mom's house. Wondering if I will ever see them both again, my heart hurt to know they were out there.

I decided to calm down and go see my little baby brother, Ian, who was only like a baby still. I sat by his car seat, on my knees, in my living room. He held my fingers with his tiny fist, I smiled at him brightly and his eyes lit up with joy. He was a very handsome little brother, he has baby blue eyes and he was precious. I kissed his tiny nose and talked to him and he giggled at me.
He gave off a little sneeze. "uh oh, do you have the sneezers?" I cooed. Ian gave a tiny cute little awe sound.

He started crying because he was hungry, so I went and got the formula and baby bottle for him. My mother went to the grocery store to buy some groceries for the house, while I stayed and babysat little Ian. Though, I hated my stepdad, I loved my baby brother with all my heart and it wasn't his fault that his daddy is a monster. I think of how he will be like, knowing his daddy is a monster, I hate that Ben has to put this little boy in this position. He is gonna grow up having tough days and there will be some where they mock him or treat him like a monster his daddy is.

It's quite sad, I will be here for him every moment though because I am his big sissy and I will protect him with everything, so he never suffers what I went through. I scooped some formula and put it in the water. Following after putting the nipple on and shaking his bottle up very well. Then while I waited for his bottle to warm up, I gave him his rattle and pacifier. Just like that he was back to the cheerful baby.

How I longed to be a baby again, only feeling joy and happiness. Their always happy except for the baby things, I wish I could change this world for better so he wouldn't have to grow up in a cruel world. I hoped everyday that he grows up to be nothing like Ben, that he will be a complete gentlemen. I know deep in my heart that he will be a very good man, when he grows up. I got the bottle and put it in his mouth.

"But let's not grow up too soon baby brother," I gave a joyful smile. He giggled, spitting some milk out of his mouth. I wiped his mouth gently with the baby bib, and I patted his back so he could burp. Ian fell asleep giving me some freedom while he slept soundly in his cradle. I walked past a mirror but then stopped and backed up quickly. I glanced at my reflection, and my eyes grew wide. Oh my gosh, I am getting fat! I need to stop eating so much, I walked away from the mirror only to grow nauseous and ran back in the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

Now I am getting sick, are you kidding me! My mother walked in with the groceries and gave me a questioning look. "Skylar, honey, what's wrong?" she asked, concerned. " I think I got the flu mom." I said. "Okay lets drop Ian off at grandma's house and we can go to the doctor," she said. "No, mom, you know I hate the doctor, I am perfectly fine really." I said. She gave me a look and finished putting the groceries up. "No, were going, I am your mother and I am suppose to care for you." she insisted. I shook my head. I don't wanna go to the doctor, they creep me out!

"But-" I started. She stopped getting her things and looked at me. " Skylar, were going, end of conversation, get some shoes on." she commanded. I groaned and stomped off and got my shoes.


We dropped of Ian at grandma's house and now we waited in the holding room. I nervously bit my lip, I despise the doctor, they like touching people too much. "Skylar!" the nurse called. I slowly got up and stared walking towards the door, my mom, Sydney followed behind. Then here comes the questions as soon as we entered the room. "What seems to be the issue today?" the nurse asked. My mom looked at me waiting for me to answer, I sighed and started telling her what happened. The nurse nodded and listened to everything I told her. She asked for my blood and to pee in a cup, I was so disgusted but did as I was told and came back. " The doctor would be in shortly," she said. She gave me a weird look and then walked out.

"What was that about," I asked, my mom. After the nurse left. She just looked at me and didn't say nothing, she looked at me like there was something on my face. Okay... why is everyone silent and giving me looks. "Let's just wait for the doctor," my mom said, nervously. Okay what the fuck did I miss? She knows what's wrong she is a doctor sort of, but why won't she tell me.
The doctor entered and asked what's wrong, and I repeated it again, annoyed. He just stared at me. Okay what the fuck, this is why I dislike doctors.

"Skylar, when was your last period?" the doctor questioned. What does this have to do with me being sick then I went silent, and I just couldn't believe, I needed to know for sure. "Um... two months ago." I said. My mother grew wide-eyed. "Have you been sexually active," the doctor asked. I suddenly forgot everything and nodded, not looking my mother in the eyes or doctor, from humiliation. I could feel myself flush bright red. "How far along is she," I heard my mom ask. "A month and five weeks, ma'am." He replied.


We got home and walking up too the doors of our house. Mom looked very angry but also calm. " I cannot, believe you Skylar Ann Heart." she said. I can't believe I am pregnant either, I know. "How could you be so careless, as to not have a condom," she asked. Did we have one or no? Did it break? I was in shock and not paying attention to nothing. Mom fiddled with the keys, finally unlocking the door. She came in dropping keys on the counter and purse. I put my hand on my belly and smiled a bit, I have a baby.

Next thing I know, my mom gets hit and falls to the ground knocked out. I snapped out of my trance and ran too my mom's side, crying. "MOM!" I yelled I felt her pulse she was still breathing. Fear ran through me and I got grabbed my waist by a masked guy.
I screamed and fought with all my might. "NO , LET GO!" I kicked at the wall sending the guy and me backwards and yet he didn't fall. I kicked a dresser and it fell over and I threw my weight back and hit a picture frame. "Damn it, quit fighting me , you little bitch! " I screamed even louder and screeched, another masked guy ran in and grabbed me also.

I threw back my head and hit him in his face while the other guy slammed into a mirror, the house was trashed by now. I took off running to hiding in a bedroom because the front door was blocked by the masked men. I cried hard and was breathing heavily as they pounded on the door and I backed up. I ran for the back door but I was too late, as soon as the door got knocked down. I got grabbed and lifted off my feet again by two muscular arms, I fought once again and this time managed to grab a weapon and stab one of them in their side. " Fuck, you whore!" I managed to yank one mask off, it was Kyle, I gasped. The other guy yelled and through me on the bed.

Kyle yelled," Ryan, I hear sirens, we got to go!" Ryan was behind the other mask, what do they want from me? Ryan ran at me and I screamed. just as I was punched and my vision blurred. Last thing I know, I was cradled in Ryan's arms and then he held me on his lap, in a van, my hands were tied, and I tried to fight but he hit me again and I only saw darkness....


I had to make a twist my lovely fans, hope your not too mad! Skylar put up a hell of a fight, you got to admit that. She is pregnant with a baby, adorable. Well until the next chapter my lovelies, I LOVE YOU AL SO MUCH! Comment and vote because it really help me out, and I am dying to know what you all think. See you in chapter 40, the very last chapter!

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