"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I deny his accusation. "I just don't want to be bothered after this long weekend."

"That's what mom and dad said, but I really know what you're doing, Rylee." he smiles. "Trust me, I've done this myself."

"Whatever Alec," I snap. "Don't you have someplace to be?"

Alec waves off then jumps into his car. I make my way back upstairs to find Harry fast asleep on my bed. One of his arms hung over his face. His chest went up and down as he breathes. I grab a blanket from my closet and some stuffed dolls, letting Stevie lay on the floor. I sit with him for a while to get him to fall asleep, but he wouldn't. About half an hour flies by and Stevie starts to slowly drift off. I get pillows from the linen closet and build a barrier around him. Soon enough, he falls asleep and I sigh out a big breath of relief.

I take this time to do my homework. I sit at my desk, doing classwork I missed from Friday because of the game. Then my phone buzzes with a text from Monique. She confronts me about Brennen and I tell her what I told him. The texts stop, letting me focus on my homework. First, I look at Stevie then Harry who were both sleeping peacefully. I return to my work after a few seconds. Being in the focus zone, I wasn't as aware of my surroundings.


My head shoots up and I glance over to Harry. Then I turn completely to see Monique standing there looking very confused. Her eyes went from me to Harry then back to me.

"Monique, don't freak out." I whisper, slowly standing up.

"Don't freak out? Don't freak out?" she snaps also in a whispered tone. "Our coach is laying in your bed and you're telling me not to freak out?"

"I know. It's weird, but-"

"I thought the other guy was– you know who, but I come here to find out it's our coach and might I add, your math teacher."

"Monique, please calm down." I say, looking over at Harry still sleeping. "Can we please talk about this later?"

"Rylee, just tell me if he forced you into doing something with him. I don't want you getting involved with another grown man."

"H-he didn't." I assure her. "Harry is really different from my last relationship."

"Yeah, he's your teacher." Monique points out. "He's a pervert, Rylee. He watches all of us play volleyball and decided to prey on you."

"That's not what happened." I defend him. "I was the one to make the first move. I kissed him one night and things just went on from there. He's in an unhappy marriage and he hasn't pressured me into doing anything. The things we've done so far have been up to me."

"I don't want you to get hurt, Rylee. This is another relationship that will take a turn."

"I'll be fine because we don't have that kind of relationship. We're just two people who kiss occasionally and done one thing."

"You had sex with him!" she blurts out and Harry shifts in my bed.

I push Monique out of he room, shushing her. "No, I did something, but he didn't force me. I promise Harry didn't want this to happen either, but it did."

Monique shamefully shakes her head, glancing down at her feet then back at me. "It's so weird that you're calling him by his first name. He's coach Styles, Rylee, coach Styles!"

"I know, I know." I whine. "Please Monique, you're my best friend and I'm trusting you to keep your mouth shut. I really like having him around and I'll be very upset if he ends up in jail because of me. I promise–" I grab her hands and lightly squeeze them. "I promise you that he's not taking advantage of me. He didn't even want to do it last night after I gave him permission. We just slept."

"He slept over?" Monique asks. "And didn't want to–" she stops to laugh. "Rylee, of course I won't tell a soul. If he really makes you happy then I won't, but if he does anything to hurt you then I'm turning him in."

I exhale deeply. "Thank you so much, Monique." I pull her into hug.

"I just wish you had told me from the start instead of keeping this from me."

"And deal with the reaction you had just now without having any reason to defend Harry?"

"That's true." she giggles. "Listen, I'll call you later and you can tell me more about this. Maybe make me trust coach- Harry a little more."

"You know, I have to tell him about you." I inform her. "Or else it'll be just be awkward, at least for me."

"Do what you've got to do, sweetheart." she pats my shoulder. "Just be careful."

"I will," I nod.

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