Letter Four

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Dear Lucy,

I'm back again Luce! I should probably be sleeping since I've been lookin gfor ya for a week, but I wanted to talk to you a lot. Ice Freaksays that we're finally getting somewhere on your searching. I want to believe him since you'be been missing for 59 days. Yeah, I'm still keeping count. For every day that you're gone, it's another mission or fishing trip you have to go on with Happy and me okay? We're gonna all have so much fun and it's gonna be like you never left. And we'll have more adventures together and I'll always be with you so I never lose you again.

we passed through Hargeon the other day. It made me think about the first time I met you. I bet you didn't know how much you stood out in that crowd around that fake Salamander. I remember thinking why is that weirdo looking at him so weird? I also thought about how much fun we'd have if we formed a team after you took me n' Happy to lunch and told us that you were a Celestial Mage and that you dreamed of joining Fairy Tail. When you came up to me with the guild mark on your right hand is a moment I will never forget. You were so happy about it and it was the first time that I got that feeling that I wanted to make you smile and laugh all the time.

Anyways, you remember that necklace you were staring at a few months back when we went back to Hargeon? But you said you couldn't buy it since it was a month's worth of rent down the drain? Well, I bought it for you anyways, so you better come home soon so you can wear it. I'm gonna make sure I always carry it with me so the creepy landlady doens't wear it, okay?

I can hear Wendy and Erza coming up so I need to cut this letter short. I'll talk to you again next week okay? I promise. I miss you Luce!

Love, Natsu.

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