Chapter 1 - No Wife of Mine

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Name of chapter - "No wife of mine"

A/N - For starters, I'm new, so thank you for choosing this story! hopefully you won't be disappointed. 



Raymond tucked the envelope in his coat. Disgraced with the very letters that lay inside it. Brown eyes peered at him from the stairwell, blinking away an eyelash.

His lip curled at the little girl and eyed the objects around him. A book pinched his side, he looked down at it, quickly grabbing the thick bundle of papers and throwing it at the little girl. "Insolent children" he spat, watching the book fly over the tippy top of the child's head.

Her eyes stretched wide open and she ducked a little too late, running away with tears rushing down her cheeks. He huffed, taking down his heavy black coat to sit in front of four straight-faced men.

"What am I here for father?" asked Raymond.

Adam smirked, "the wife"

Raymond lifted an eyebrow, drumming his fingers on the dusty brown desk. He'd knew this day was coming, but never thought of it as much as now. Raymond used to think his father was joking about the whole matter, until, well, now.

"What wife?" he muttered, his face blank of any remembrance.

"The one I set out for you to marry" Adam, said silently.

Raymond had never herd of such a marriage, let alone a women. Things like this only happen to kings and queens, and he of course, was no king. Instead Raymond considered himself more on the curious side, a business man.

                Unlike kings he never had a country to run, or a body to tend too. No role of any kind besides solving endless ways to get people to purchase things. Busy, he was very busy.


            "Your wife would be sure to fancy this floral wooding, wouldn't she?" he'd say with his signature smile.

        The wife jumped up in glee as her husband handed over a bucket full of cash, gifting him a fake smile, "I'm sure we would love it here" said the husband, flickering his eyes to his wife in sudden discontentment.

         (**End of Mini Flashback**)

Wife's were sort of good for him in a way, making the men buy things they never (normally) would've bought. But to Raymond, that was all they were exceptional at, nothing else.

Adam took his son's vacant stare as a sign to continue, "I haven't met the women in person yet, but I've found her family, talked to them, and their most happy to turn over their daughter in your hands" he cheered, face jubilant.

Raymond frowned, "I don't need a wife father, I've got to much time on my hands, and little time to spend it doing something worth-while, right now-"

he took out the envelope from his coat, "right here-" he slammed it on the desk with a big thump, silencing the other men, "is the letter from her parents, if you burn it, I'll continue my oath, giving you the right to keep me in eyes reach-"

              Adam looked at Raymond sternly, his face vexed.

"-I'll make your business better, not trying to make your life a living hell at any point of the day" he pleaded, brushing back a brown hair strand out of his sight.

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