Chapter 38: My Stolen Future

Start from the beginning

I screamed, as I felt my body collapse to it's knees. But my sense of place, of time, was returning. I was back.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry-"
I had to control my breathing just to get a sentence out. "What...what did-"
"What did you do?!"
I glanced up, to see Natsu grabbing Rosa by the throat.
"No...please..." she whispered, struggling against his immense strength.
"Lucy, are you alright?" Erza asked, as she helped me up.
"Natsu, let go of her," I warned, placing my hand on his shoulder. His body was trembling with anger and his eyes were sharp.
"Natsu!" I shouted. "Let her go!"
He blinked with realisation at the sound of my voice, as his grip loosened. Rosa slid to the floor, gasping for breaths.
"Natsu...I need to talk to her alone," I told him, looking over at Rosa.
"What?! Last time you were alone she-"
"Please. Trust me," I broke in. "I can take care of myself."
"Yeah, tell that to my damn dad..." he muttered, as he walked off. "If she does anything else I'm really gonna hurt her!" He shouted from a distance, a final warning.

"Tell me," I ordered, kneeling down to face her directly. "Tell me what that was."
"That was... another dimension. Another future," she answered. "It's my magic. It's allows me to observe different paths in time, separate dimensions where life played out differently."
"So that...that was us? Fairy tail...we were in fairy tail?" I asked her.
"I gave you a few memories of the Lucy Heartfilia from that dimension, mainly of the guild Fairy Tail. Because that was what the council stole from you, Lucy."
"What?" I replied, confused. "What do you mean?"
"There are many factors that affect dimensions in various ways," she explained, as she stood back up. "But the main thing that differs this dimension from that that in that dimension, the council never realised the magic restriction drug."

It took me a second to stop myself from falling back down again.
"That's...they stole that from me?" I whispered, tears in my eyes. "But that my would've been my home..."
"I needed to show you, ever since I discovered it," Rosa added. "I'm sorry, Lady Lucy."
"N-No, thank you," I told her. "I just...I need a minute."
"Of course," she answered, before leaving me alone, with the memories of my stolen future.
"Welcome to Fairy tail, Lucy!"
I felt tears stream my cheeks, as I placed my hand over my mouth from the shock.
"I wanna...go home..." I whispered.

-Natsu P.O.V-
"What, now she's upset?" I asked, already preparing to storm back in there to give the damn brat Lucy was with a beating. However, she came to me first.
"Lord Natsu..." her voice trembled shyly.
"Again with the 'lord'-"
"Please give Lady Lucy some time," she interrupted. "The news I told her was very...overwhelming."
"News? What news?"
"That won't be necessary."
We both turned our heads to see Lucy walking our way. Her cheeks were stained with dry tears.
"Thank you, but Natsu doesn't need to know that," Lucy told the girl. "Please go and join the rest of the group."
"As you wish, Lady Lucy," the girl replied, then she hurried off into the crowd.
"Um, Lucy?" I began, glancing at her. "Care to explain?"
"It was nothing," Lucy replied, shaking her head. "She was just scared. She needed a little pep talk, that was all."
"If you gave her a pep talk..." I continued, easing an eyebrow. "Then why are you the one that's been crying?"

-Lucy P.O.V-
No-one needs to know. It will only hurt them.
"I have a right to my own privacy," I argued back to Natsu.
"I don't think privacy really applies to us, Lucy," Natsu replied, smirking. "Remember? Slight panic, a touch of resentment..."
"Hey, stay out of there," I warned, punching him playfully.
"She told you something," he said, his time dropping to a serious level. "And if you don't want to tell me what it was, then that's fine. But I know you Lucy, and this information is hurting you."
"I can handle it," I assured him, taking hold of his hands. "Have a little faith in me, okay?"
He sighed, then smiled warmly at me.
"Okay," he said. "Just don't forget I'm here."
"Now how could I possibly do that, when I have this necklace reminding me all the time?" I teased, holding the pendant up by it's chain.

"Right, it's about time we took off," I announced. "Um, where's that girl..."
"Here, Lady Lucy," a familiar voice replied.
"I never got your name," I told her.
"Oh, it's Ryuko," she said, smiling.
"Well, you're really helping us out Ryuko," Natsu broke in, grinning. "Let's pick the next town, and go from there."

Just as we were preparing to leave, Rosa approached me again.
"Lady Lucy," she greeted. "Now you have grasped your stolen future, what will you do?"

What will I do?
I hadn't thought about it. I'd been so overcome with anger and confusion, that I hadn't properly realised that I had power now. The power to take back what's mine.
"What we have here," I replied, facing the army. "It's been my dream ever since I was young. This feeling...the feeling this gives's the exact same as being a part of fairy tail. I think that's why it made me feel so warm inside, and happy in my heart."
I clenched my fists by my side, to control my anger.
"I believe that whatever path I've ended up on, I was still born to be in fairy tail. We all were."
Over in the distance I could see Natsu, laughing along with Erza and Elfman.
"We were all born to be a part of this. It was our fate, and they stole it from us."
"So now what?" Rosa asked. I smirked, prepped and ready.
"I'm gonna take it back," I replied. "I may not have many memories from that future, but the ones you gave me are more than enough. I will re-create Fairy Tail, in this world."
A big smile appeared on Rosa's face, as she nodded in approval.
"You deserve it," she said kindly.
"After all, it suits us pretty well," I added. Building up my confidence, I walked over to face everyone. "I have something to ask all of you," I called out, getting their attention.
"Lucy, what's all this about?" Natsu asked, coming over to me.
"Do fairies have tails?" I began, ignoring him. "More than that, do they even exist? Nobody knows for sure. However, this army is like them. An eternal mystery, and eternal adventure. We follow this adventure, as the army Fairy Tail."
"Fairy...tail?" Mira repeated. "I like it!"
"It represents an eternal adventure, huh," Gray added, smirking. "Sounds pretty good to me."
"Now where'd you get an idea like that, Luce?" Natsu asked. I smiled back at him, and laughed under my breath.
"Just a part of me treasures it, I guess," I replied.

"Well, it's an awesome idea, however you thought of it!" He said, slapping me on the back cheerfully. I made a white flag with divinity, and very carefully used to tip of my finger to create red paint. Concentrating hard, remembering the memories from Rosa, I painted the fairy tail insignia.
"What's this? And what's it for?" Natsu questioned, glancing over my shoulder.
"Every guild- sorry, army- needs a mark. A symbol," I answered.
"And you got this idea from where?" Erza broke in.
"It's something that belonged to us. That should've belonged to us. Just- you'll see," I told them. After adjusting the last few touches, I stood back and admired my handiwork.
"There," I said, half to myself.
Just like it should've been.
Then I took hold of the flag by it's pole and raised it in the air.
"I hereby declare this army as Fairy Tail, which will one day be the strongest army in Fiore!"
I know that there are loads of complications with this, but like Rosa said that future is not EXACT (for example Wendy has different magic in this 'dimension' and the fact that SPOILERS the dragon slayers are from like hundreds of years ago in the traditional fairy tail world) but I really hope you like this. So Lucy has memories of fairy tail, her true home! Now she's re-created it from her stolen future! I've been looking forward to this for a long time, since it is a very significant part in the book.

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