Tryout's (WroetoMD)

Start from the beginning

"the best off both words then" Chris said as he and Harry started walking

"I wish, I'm kinda shy, but I just try and don't let it stop me"

"are you shy, I would never have guessed that, I thought you were the kind off guy that just talks to everyone"

"no, I wish I was like that, but I do try and come up to people and start a conversation if I think the person in cute or I think we would make good friends"

"and where do I fit in with that?" Chris asked

"little bit off both" Harry said and smiled, making Chris laugh

"look I made you laugh, that is always a good thing to start off with"

"good job, I think I'm not normally the type that people can just keep a conversation going with, if you know what I mean" Chris said as he looked down

"I think you are very easy to talk to"

"you do?"

"yeah, some people just send off this energy that I'm drawn to, this probably does not even make sense"

"it really did not" Chris said and gave Harry a smile, Harry just pushed his shoulder and laughed as well. This could be the start of something great. They both felt it in there hearts that they could be very good friends and possibly much more than that. Harry wanted more than that, and Chris did as well.

"where do you live?" Harry then asked as they had been walking around and just talking for almost 2 hours, they could just talk forever

"I live like 5 minutes away from school, want to come over, we can just watch a movie or something, I'm sure there is something at my house that we can just snack on and you can even pick the movie, I need to see your movie taste before we go any further than this" Chris laughed

"so we can't be friends if I have bad taste in movies?" Harry laughed

"yeah something like that"

"that is a lot off pressure to put on someone you know" Harry pointed out

"somehow I don't think that will be an issue, just pick something that you find fun, I can watch anything"

"you are such a tease" Harry said shaking his head as he smiled. They then walked into Chris's house and got greeted by his sister Kelly

"hey Chris, who is this"

"my name is Harry"


"nice to meet you"


"let's go upstairs" Chris whispered as turned Kelly around and pushed her away from the staircase that she was blocking


"I understand I have one younger sister as well"

"then you know how annoying it is, good" Chris said and Harry just shook his head and laughed as they walked up stairs

"nice to meet you Harry, don't do anything that I would not do" Kelly called up after them

"FUCK OFF KELLY" Chris called downstairs as he closed the door, Harry was just looking around the room, it was not to big, but it was very cozy, Harry liked it a lot, he was just looking around and he smiled

"I like your room"

"thank you" Chris said as he looked at Harry just standing there, he looked so beautiful,

"should we find a movie?" Harry asked

"yeah, I'll get my hard-drive" Chris said as he plugged his USB hard drive into his TV and then he and Harry just sat down on Chris's bed and they just started to flick through the movie's, Chris had a lot.

"want to watch something action, or something fun?" Harry asked

"you pick"

"don't be difficult, I want to chose something that we both enjoy"

"fun then"

"Hangover? It's a classic?" Harry asked and Chris just nodded,

"yeah it's been ages since I saw the first one"

"no wonder it came out in like 2009"

"that long ago, wow, no wonder I don't remember much about it" Chris smiled and then he stood up, telling Harry that they should try to find something to eat before they would start the movie, Harry just agreed and they did that, they had Doritos and dip. Running up to the room again before Kelly would see them


"I DON'T CARE" Chris called back as he closed the door

"banter?" Harry laughed

"something like that, I like her most off the times, but she get's a bit annoying at times"

"yeah I can see that, my younger siblings annoy the shit out off me sometimes" Harry laughed as they sat down on the bed and started the movie.

Harry was almost nodding off, he was always falling onto Chris's shoulder and Chris saw that, he found it cute and he did not want to say anything that would wake Harry up, he liked it when Harry had his head on his shoulder, but he had to move at some point and when he did Harry jolted awake

"where am I" he asked a bit confused at first

"my house, you just fell asleep over the movie"


"don't be I thought it was cute"

"you think I'm cute"

"yeah I do" Chris said as he blushed

"I think you are cute as well" Harry said and smiled as he took Chris's hand and pulled him closer

"what are you doing?" Chris asked

"do you want to kiss me?" Harry asked

"do you want me to kiss you?" Chris asked him in response

"yeah, I would like that a lot" Harry said as he pulled Chris closer to him and then he pressed there lips together, the kiss started out soft and sweet, but quickly turned into a more passionate one.

"I want you be your boyfriend Chris, do you want to go on a date with me"

"I would love to" Chris smiled as he kissedHarry again.     

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