chapter four- alver valley

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Alver valley was only ten minutes away from the woods.
As we drove towards the entrance, the sky drew darker and darker.

The air was full of menace and i was full of the tense feeling that hung around in the stolen car.

I suddenly realised i was terrified. Why couldnt i have just fed myself to the zombies?

I instantly dismissed rhis thought. If i die my friends Tegan,Brandon,Maia and leni would loose hope.

We trundled on through the valley till we saw a small cut in in the rock. Brandon pulled a left turn and we drove into a tiny hole.

It was lit by dull red candles that added to the atmosphere of the cave.

The cave then suddenly opened out into a massive clearing where thousands of normal people were milling around.

It was very white and has the feel of a large hospital. I saw stretchers with injured people being carried past.

Then a familiar face appears. Chloe. ' chloe!' We hugged for a minute. I had missed her so much!

'Look before we get all happy i need to talk to you urgently.'

And that was when chloe pulled me to one side and tells me.

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