Chapter five - Testing

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"Chloe! I've missed you so much!" I threw myself into a hug.
"Hey! I have contaminated fluids all over my coat Faith!"
"Oops sorry! So what's up?"
"Faith, there may be a way to help turn all the zombies back to humans again!"
"That's awesome! Why are you not doing anything?"
"Well there's a catch... they will only have a lifespan of around eighteen months before they turn back. We have been trying to perfect it so they can live their whole life but so far it's impossible! I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. At least we have some thing, right!" I tried to sound as positive as possible but a sinking feeling was dragging me down.

I turned to the others.
"So there is a cure but it only lasts eighteen months before they return to a zombie. What should we do?"

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