chapter three - run run run

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"NO!" Maia screams as she runs on. Her vision is blurred by tears but she stumbles on, carful not to trip.

I feel something touch my leg and I look down impulsively. It's a hand. There is no body, just hand. I shake it off haunted by the feel of cold skin of the dead.

When I look up, there is only five of us left. We haven't Eben gotten off school grounds yet! We find a car that has been left running but with very little fuel. We drive it to a petrol station but no ones there so we pick up some free supplies too. We fill up the tank fully and had enough food for a life time.

Brandon is driving. He's the tallest out of us and he knows a good place to stay. Unless its been taken over by zombies that is.

It takes a little bit over an hour to get to the mystery place and when we finally did, we weren't pleased. Zombies roamed around everywhere trying to get in the car to kill us.

These are people we used to know. Grace and rosa  were good honest people and their son andrè was really hot. Now their a pile of flesh trying to eat us.

Our next idea was London. If we went to London, we could solve this. So I took my turn driving and we made it to London in one hour.

It was sad that the people we loved were trying to eat us. It was trickery of the mind to get us to give up. Well guess what, we ain't giving up!

But as were driving up, every body wasn't a zombie. They were vampires. That was much much worse for is than zombies by a lot.

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