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Being trapped in a loveless marriage is about as terrible as it seems; like a never ending rash. The worst part is that you love your partner. You really do. I was optimistic going into my marriage. The vows I made were genuine. I believed that Lizzy and I could conquer the world together and then the moon and the stars. Marrying her felt like being king - I had finally found my queen. I thought I was marrying the perfect woman. Someone who challenged me, put up with me, kept me on my toes. Something I didn't know, is that love can burn out. Passion can be lost. What is a marriage without love, you ask? It's paper. Marriage without love is a piece of paper and a change in the last name. Oh, and two squabbling kids.

Maybe that's why I'm having an affair. It allows me to feel again. I'm not a robot. I just want to feel loved. It's a lot worse than it looks. I mean, what's the harm in having feelings for someone? Oh, and I do. I can't even describe what I feel for Anastasia. Just the thought of her name gets me floating above cloud 9. Who knew someone could feel like this after one date? It made me excited, I didn't think I would be able to be touched by someone ever again. I thought Lizzy was my hit and run. But than Anastasia came into my life kicking and screaming; it was as if there was nothing in this world that could stop us from being together. Except for my wife.

I married Lizzy for a reason. She knows everything about me, including my weaknesses. She knows every inch of my skin, every childhood scar, what makes me tick, what eases me. At the time I thought I needed that in someone. I believed that structure is key. A word of advice? It's not. Get someone who excites you, who makes you feel high off of the feelings you have for that person. I get that with Anastasia, but I guess I would be lying if I said that's not the way I felt before I married Lizzy. However, there had always been a piece of me, a sign in the back of my mind, telling me that being with Lizzy isn't a good idea; like when you hear the buzz of a fly and you just can't find it. And now I know the fly was right. Lizzy's a bitch. But she's not just any bitch. She's my bitch.

I had just finished getting ready for my date with Anastasia. I had a special night planned. A boat ride on the bay. The water looked absolutely magnificent at night, all perfectly crystal and blue. I wanted to see Anastasia's face when she saw my yacht, when we take off at high speed and revisit the thrill we get when we see each other. God, I liked her. And tonight will be perfect, just like she is.

I slipped down the stairs ready to open the front door. I knew Lizzy would hear it open, but tonight I didn't care. I had one person on my mind, and that was Anastasia. Just as I opened the front door, I heard the clicking of Lizzy's heels coming down the stairs. However, they were slower than usual, more cynical, like she had a spring in her step.

She stopped at the staircase, a smug smile plastered across her high cheekbones. "You're staying in tonight, Ben. I sent the kids to my parents so we could enjoy ourselves." She started towards me, each click of the heel more ominous than the other.

I felt my eyebrows automatically scrunch together. "I have plans, Lizzy. Another night." This was definitely eccentric of her. She's been nothing but hard-hearted towards me since the, erm, incident. I can't imagine why now she would suddenly have a change of heart. On top of it all, why did it have to be on my night with Anastasia?

Lizzy, pleasantly hopped off the last step, sauntering towards me. She looked sexy in an evil way, like the devil in a red dress. She placed her hand on my arm softly, holding it in such a way that would make a birds sing and demons crawl. She opened the door wider, and for a second I thought she was beckoning me to go. I then realized that no, she was not waving me off, but waving somebody in. Her eyes glittered, and her smile was uncannily wide.

I pushed past her, her heels singing as she stumbled, to see who this special visitor was. To my horror, I watched as Anastasia poured out of our limo, dressed in red as well.

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