She visibly gulped and felt her palms start to sweat. ‘Damn!’ She noticed that lately, she’s been getting smart with Mason but couldn’t pin point why. The downfall of it all was the bruises and cuts that she received after she got slick out the mouth with him.

“You must be out your freakin’ mind talking to me like you're crazy! I hope it isn’t because of that little punk you’ve been eyeing because if it is, so help me God, I will make you curse the day you were ever born!”

Machayla decided that she was going to hold her own this time. She wouldn’t show him fear. Yes! It was time to grow a backbone and stand up to him. She didn’t know what came over her but whatever it was, she was going to use it to stand up to Mason. She couldn’t live her life in fear and there was no way that she was going down without a fight. If he ended up hurting her really badly or worst, put her six feet under, she was going down knowing that she at least tried to fend for herself.

She let the hate that she felt for the man that stood chest to chest with her, surface from deep down. Holding up her chin, she crossed her arms under her breast and glared up at him. She decided to keep quiet but she wasn’t going to let him back her into a corner where he could beat her into a pulp.

Mason gave a humorless laugh and just as quickly as he started, he sobered up and gave Machayla a menacing gaze. His eyes darkened and his jaw locked into position. One of his hands quickly shot out and grabbed her by the hair while his other palm came in instant contact with her face sending her crashing to the kitchen floor.

He glared down at her sprawled on the floor. “Know your place and stay in it Machayla! The next time I have to remind you, it won’t be so pretty.”

With those last words, he walked out the kitchen. The minute she heard the front door open and close, she burst into tears. She felt them rolled down her cheeks and a few drops landed on her lips where she instantly realized that she had a cut because of the sting that jolted through her.

Seconds later she heard footsteps in the kitchen but didn’t bother to look up from where she sat on the floor. Suddenly she felt her body being enveloped in a warm embrace. The way the person was holding her shot a warm feeling through her and she instantly knew that it was Jason. That knowledge sent her over the edge and caused her to cry even harder.

“Shh. Deep breaths Machayla, take deep breaths. It’s going to be ok. Be strong.” He tried to sooth her as he whispered in her eyes.

Why did she like being touched by him? It was such a simple touch but her aching heart suddenly didn’t hurt so much at the moment. She shouldn’t like the fact that he was holding her and whispering in her ear. He wasn’t what she needed in her life. His type of people only brought trouble to her type of people. But truth be told, she couldn’t help it and decided that since she was coming out of her shell, she might as well revel in that moment too.

When her cries finally died down and her tears were no longer running down her face like a busted dam, Jason sat on the floor and she felt him pulled her body and brought her onto his lap. Without hesitation, she instantly wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into the crook of his neck. He smelled great; spicy with a hint of nature.

She felt his fingers making small circles on her back and she couldn’t help but feel a burning sensation in the pit of her stomach and it was scaring the crap out of her.

After a while Machayla felt herself calm down and realized their predicaments on the floor in the kitchen. She felt a little guilty because she was pretty sure that he didn’t want her crying on him.

“I’m so sorry.” She mumbled softly in the crook of his neck.

He quickly positioned them so he was staring at her face with a frown on his. “What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything."

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