Chapter 18: The Font Of The Dragon Fire

Start from the beginning

"But I know you wanted me to go to high school and instead I decided to go to Alfea," says Hajari.

"You can go to high school next year," says Tia.

"But I'll be one year behind and you're probably disappointed in me. In fact, I know that's how you feel. Remember my powers? I can see your true aura and neither of you is happy," says Hajari.

Later that same day, still sad, Hajari decided to ride his bike around the block, but Hajari stops and comes upon Nia.

"Oh, look who's back!" says Nia.

"Hi, Nia," Hajari says with an attitude.

"I'm surprised to see you this time of year because school isn't over yet. Oh wait I know, you got kicked out."

"No, actually I left myself," Hajari replies.

"Well it doesn't matter, the truth of the matter is you flunked." Nia walks away laughing.

That night, Hajari decided to read books about fairies and draw his friends and Alfea.

Back at Alfea, in Faragonda's office, Faragonda and Griselda are scolding the Squadd for letting Hajari leave.

''What? Why wasn't I notified immediately?" yells Faragonda.

"Well, we thought-" says Michael. 

"Thought what? That I wouldn't have noticed? You are all Hajari's best friends! And you just let him leave without trying to stop him?!?"

"That is not true!" yells Musa.

"Ms. Musa!" yells Griselda.

"Alright alright! All of you go to your rooms. We'll discuss this later," says Faragonda.

Back in the Squadd's apartment...

 "You heard what she said! I told you we should've let Faragonda know," says Kajari.

Michael takes a deep breath in and exhales sharply. "What if he were to come back?" 

"Face it. Hajari is gone for good. He's never coming back," says Musa.

'Well I'm going to bring him back," says Hajarianna.

At Tia's flower shop, Tia is being helped by Hajari on working in the flower shop.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Petersburg. I don't think there's anymore pink roses," says Tia.

Hajari uses a spell to transform the red roses into pink roses. "Oh mom, we still have some!" Hajari says as he gives the lady pink roses.

"You know, Hajari, it's good to have a helper with the 'magic touch'," says Tia.

"Michael taught me that trick," says Hajari.

"You miss your friends don't you?"

Hajari and Tia hug each other. Sun-Hi and her sisters are spying on Hajari.

"Look at him, he's given up. Hajari doesn't belong at Magix and at Alfea, nor does he belong to Earth either," says Sun-Hi. 

"Soon as we act, all of Hajari's misery will be over," says Corki.

That night Hajari is walking home from the grocery store.

"Hey Hajari, go back to school for roaches! You're not accepted in Gardenia no more!" says Nia as she rides her scooter away.

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