The answers to your questions

Start from the beginning

@LaziestPersonAlive asks : why don't you see that Perrie only tolerates you because of the way you look?

* sighs * what is it with you guys and Perrie?

@lillycs likes to know : soo, is Liam pretty or not?

I guess he's pretty. * shrugs *

@ooFanfavoriteoo is asking : why are you letting Perrie control your life and bully your friends?

She isn't controlling my life. * scoffs *

@Brinunez asks : why did you insult Liam for admitting he's pregnant with your child?

It's not mine.


3. Gigi

@MariaJumpers wants to know : how are things with that girl who gave her number to Zayn (for you)?

Um well, I don't know we kinda stopping texting each other.

@chuckyzarry is asking : please get into a bitch fight with Perrie for me. Will you please?

* chuckles * I don't know love * grins a little * I have other plans with her though. * winks *

xzixamx likes to know : When will you kick Zayn and Perrie's ass?

I will soon darling. * hums *

@ziam22222 asks : how do you feel about Zayn right now?

I absolutely hate his guts. There are no other words to describe for how much I hate that guy.

@Brinunez wants to know : what happened to Sophia?

* shrugs * we drifted apart.


4. Harry

ZiamAmour asks : how're Niall and Louis doing? * winks *

* blushes * um good I guess. * bites lip *

daddymaIik wants to know : how good is Niall's dick? * cheeky smirk *

Oh god. * whispers, blushes even more * it's uh, well, I um wow okay * stutters, scratches the back of his neck * it's great * smiles shyly *

@ooFanfavoriteoo likes to know : if you and Gigi left Zayn along, he and Liam could have probably ended up together. So my question is, do you think, you and Gigi messed up by making Zayn popular?

* nods * yes, we definitely messed up. Our intentions were never to make him an asshole. We just wanted the bullying to stop because it pissed both me and Gigi off how he always got making fun off and everything. We never expected for him to go that far.

@ziam22222 asks : Do you consider you and Zayn still to be friends?

No. * shakes head * I think he took it too far that he lost Gigi, me and most of all Liam.


5. Toni

ZiamAmour asks : are you still protective over Liam even now he's pregnant with Zayn's baby?

* smiles * yes. I believe Liam doesn't deserve to go through this alone and honestly, if Zayn can't be the father figure, I'll gladly take his place. The child needs a father by its side.

@ilmyself wants to know : Do you still like Liam in a romantic way even though he cheated and got pregnant?

* sighs * if I'm honest, yes, I still like Liam in a romantic way.

xzixamx likes to know : will you kick Zayn's ass?

Oh you bet I will. * huffs *

@MART1D is asking : how hard do you want to kick Zayn's ass?

Very hard. He deserves every single hard punch. * hums *


6. Perrie

@11inch wants to know : why are you such a gold digger?

* scoffs * I am in no way a gold digger.

@zeeyummylicious likes to know : how can you live with yourself?

* flips hair * pretty good actually. * smirks *

@MART1D wants to know : there's a reason that makes you hate Liam and be a bitch to him?

* bites lip * there is, but it's none of your business. * clears throat *

@shamii2002 : why are you so against gays if you didn't have a problem getting finger fucked by Gigi?

* shifts a little * uh next question please. * blushes *


7. Me

daddymaIik asks : why are you so amazing?

I don't know, I guess I just am. * grins *

ZiamAmour says : I love you * heart eyes * and is Zayn gonna see sense since Liam's having his baby?

I love you too darling. * chuckles * and yes, he will, soon though.

@LaziestPersonAlive wants to know : how did you come up with the story plot?

It just came to me I guess. I don't know, I just have so many ideas that just pop up in my head.

@stylinson_larry100 asks : what do you feel when you are writing this story?

A lot. Like, I have so many feels when I write the chapters, I get sad, angry, excited, happy, even nervous. It's always different though.

xzixamx asks : why are you so sweet? I love you.

Aww, I love you too. I love all my readers Omf. And i don't know, I just am. * chuckles *

@MART1D likes to know : where did you get the idea from?

Well, like I said before it just popped up in my head. And I decided to write it with some help of my friends * smiles *

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