45 | Boyish Impulses

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    | {Kyouko's P.O.V.} |

    "You really weren't kidding when you said the air conditioner worked well in here," I grinned as I brought my arms closer to my sides. "I'm almost cold."

    Jakob paused in his business to throw me a worried look.

He seemed to be going through a checklist of some sort while sifting through a pile of boxes, but he was still quick to acknowledge me.

    "Oh, I'm sorry. Is it too cold?"

    "No, it's lovely. Don't worry about me and keep doing whatever it is you're doing," I waved, and he snorted.

    "I find it hard to not be worried about you. Do you want to borrow a shirt of mine?" he asked kindly.

Geez, I mentally gushed. He's sweeter than pie.

    "That sounds tempting, but I don't want to be a bother-" I tried to deny him only to be swiftly interrupted by his sugary words.

    "I'll get one for you. Sit tight while I go dig through my locker in the other room," he ran his hand through his curled locks before strolling through a door that was propped open by a wooden stopper.

    "Okay," I let myself smile once he was out of sight.

    Even thought it'd only been thirty minutes since my minor episode, Jakob had somehow managed to replenish my mood.

    By sitting there in that (almost) cold storage room with my butt on a box and a seemingly endless supply of bubble wrap at my disposal, I felt like a brand new woman.

    But, aside from the location, Jakob was a large contributing factor to my mood swing.

It wasn't as though he'd done anything super extraordinary or extreme to brighten my day; he was just a very healing person.

    Being around him made me drastically reevaluate my standards.

    He was patient with me, and he was very easy to talk to. Since we were both fluent in the language, we could freely speak English with each other without having to be cautious of what we were saying.

    His voice was smooth like honey. Some might've said that noticing something as trivial as that was stupid, but I found it to be oddly soothing.

His smile was horrendously contagious, and not only was he a good listener, but he was funny as well.

    He was what I would call 'perfect boyfriend material'. Nearly everything about him was appealing.

His personality, his looks, his manners, and all the other traits you would want in a guy were more than prime. It was like someone had clipped him out of a celebrity magazine and put him in the three-dimensional shoes of a delivery boy.

    Now that I think about it, he'd probably be a good member of Galaxy Standard.

    The thought made me laugh.

    Jakob was far too shy to be as open and carefree as those guys, and it was difficult for me to imagine such an arrangement...

Okay. Before things get muddled, let me address the elephant in the room.

    I'm aware that my strangely specific description of the boy wasn't very logical in a more realistic sense.

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