42 | Happy Birthday?

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| {Kyouko's P.O.V.} |

    Ding dong!

    I rolled over in my bed, hair and limbs askew with sleep. An attractive string of drool was slipping out of the corner of my mouth, and half of my face was being engulfed by a memory foam pillow.

    "Go away Tomoe... you're annoying," I choked on a snore.

    Sleep talk.

    Tomoe wasn't actually there. It was just my natural inclination to assume it was him who was ringing the doorbell of my apartment because he'd done it all the time when he was my coach.

    I'd always sleep in late, and whenever I did he would come to my house and pester me out of bed. One time, when nobody was home to let him inside, he climbed into my bedroom via the window I always forgot to lock.

    How he'd done it, I wasn't exactly sure.

And how he knew which window I kept unlocked, I wasn't really sure either, but it was impressive (and creepy) nonetheless.

    My room was on the third floor of the Johnson abode, and the only means of accessing it from outside involved a lot of jumping and climbing.

    A spider monkey... he's like a spider monkey.

    The doorbell rung again, and my eyes reluctantly popped open. Like the graceful human being I was, I stumbled off the mattress and began my zig-zagged adventure to the front door.

The blanket that my foot had caught on the way out of bed followed me to the kitchen, and by the time I arrived to my destination my clothes were somewhat on my body and my hair didn't look too much like a hawk's nest.

Ding dong!

"Calm your tits, dude. I'm here now," I mumbled bitterly to myself before wiping at my mouth and tugging the door open.

    A cool morning breeze swept over my body, encouraging me to say the first thing that came to my bedridden mind.

    "What do ya need?"

    Almost rude. That was an almost rude greeting, but my (pretty much invisible) smile made up for it.

    "Um, hi," a boy blinked.

He looked the same age as me. His hair was in a cute, chestnut-brown disarray, and his eyes were a sharp shade of emerald green that seemingly glowed behind his rectangular glasses. He was fashioning a pair of tan cargo shorts and a white, short-sleeved hoodie.

He's adorable...

    "Forgive me if I woke you up, but I have a package here for you," he scratched the side of his cheek sheepishly, and I realized that there was a decently-sized box in his hand. "I'd usually leave packages like these on the doorstep, but this is a special delivery from overseas, so..."

    "No, it's fine," I subconsciously reassured him while tugging at the hem of my shorts. "I understand the dilemma... I needed to get my ass outta bed anyways. Do you know what time it is, perchance? I broke my alarm clock again."

    God. I am so helplessly awkward in the morning.

    Smiling at my word choice, he checked his wrist watch. "It's only a half and hour passed nine. That's not too bad. We've all had those days where sleeping in 'till one in the afternoon seems perfectly justified."

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