43 | We Love (Kidnapping) You

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| {Heath's P.O.V.} |

"I've done some pretty stupid things as a high schooler, but this will surely rise to the top of the list," I anxiously murmured into my hands as I watched Hozumi fiddle with a pair of handcuffs.

That's right. Handcuffs. They weren't fake either. These were the real deal.

We wouldn't be using them just quite yet because practice was still in session, but we were getting ready for the events that would occur after our training was over with...

Dan-sensei had put me in charge of capturing Kyouko.

    He said that with my towering height she'd stand no chance in slipping away from me, but (inevitably) I was having some substantial doubts.

    Kyouko might've been a tiny girl, but she wasn't a person you could just snatch scratch free.

    It's a death trap.

    In all honesty, I was scared shitless when the role of kidnapper was pushed onto me.

Anyone with eyes could see that I was reluctant to go through with it. The idea of getting pummeled by Kyouko was just too much for me to assimilate.

    So, in order to set my worries aside, Dan-sensei gave me a pair of handcuffs he'd swiped from the security guard's office.

    I remembered his words from that afternoon clearly.

    "If you're so worried about restraining the girl, then take these," he threw the things into my hands as if they were nothing. "She can't pummel you without moving her arms, but don't forget about her legs... with those, she could knock you out with a solid kick to the head."

    No help.

    By giving me those handcuffs, Dan-sensei had given me no reassurance whatsoever. Bonkers, it was. Straight horse shit. But I still went along with it despite the obscurity of it all.

    That was the first mistake I made that day.

    Hozumi was the only one who knew how to maneuver handcuffs, so he was giving me a quick how-to while everyone else was busy with an endurance workout Reiji had planned for them.

    It was stupidly ironic. Kyouko thought that we were off working on gimmick stratagem together, but we were doing something totally unrelated to running.

We're preparing her birthday present; surprise bondage.

Curse Dan-sensei for scheming such a crap idea.

"Are you sure that you'll be able to pull this off, Heath?" Hozumi glanced at me, eyes squinted low and lips curled high.

    "I highly fucking doubt it," I sighed while running my fingers through a spiky lock of hair that'd escaped my headband. "She'll probably get away from me before I can even whip the handcuffs out of my pocket."

    The blonde laughed at me. "Heh. You're probably right about that."

    "Thanks for the support. You're a real big help," I responded sarcastically, and he laughed some more.

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