13 | Falling

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    | {Kyouko's P.O.V.} |

    "Heath, I may be sick, but that doesn't mean I can't walk on my own," I informed the towering male as he continued to carry me through the intricate hallways of his large home.

    His right hand was almost lingering over forbidden territory, and that flustered me greatly.

    Funny how this isn't the first time he's held me like this...

    "I don't want you overexerting yourself, and we've got stuff to do, so I don't want you slowing down the process," he answered stoically as we arrived at the entryway of the house.

    I rolled my eyes at him despite the dizzy feeling that came along with the action. I didn't believe a word he was saying.

    My fever was still raging away, and I was honestly having a rough time moving around without assistance.

    Laying in Heath's bed with a fever all day had put me in an extensive lazy mode, and the concept of going outside and interacting with actual people seemed very overwhelming at the time.

    "It's not like we're going on a quest to find candy mountain, we're only visiting the school for a bit. And watch where you're placing that pervy hand of your's," I scolded him before being plopped back onto my feet momentarily.

    I blinked a few times while trying to adjust to the feeling of standing on my own. Heath leaned towards my burning face after slightly bending his knees to get on my significantly lower level.

"I know exactly where I'm placing my hands, Kyouko, so worry not. It's all for good reasons," he hummed contently before taking a large step away from me to slide on his sneakers and snatch a few jackets off the nearby coat rack.

    "You're an ass," I sneered him as I glanced at the articles of clothing he had pulled off of the rack, curious to their appearance.

    One was a jet-black quarter-zip hoodie, and the other was a small, pale-blue pullover rain coat.

    I'm assuming the rain coat is Diane's.

    Heath swiftly pulled the black hoodie over his body and looked over to me with a smug expression playing on his features. He was holding the other coat in his hands as if it were a lucky ticket, and his playful expression made me feel uneasy.

    "Now put your arms up, Kyouko," he ordered me childishly as he positioned the piece of clothing to where he could potentially pull it over my upper-body.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared hotly at him. This was just like the soup situation that had happened only a few hours beforehand, and I wasn't feeling as lenient to play along with his games anymore.

    I'm not a child, I can do things on my own.

"Oh come on. I know you're tired, but please~ Just let me have my fun this one time!" he whined cutely, only to earn a cold look from myself. I swiftly rolled my fingertips over my arms in a soft, drumming motion, clearly displaying my impatience through my body language.

    I really want to get this over with so I can take a nap, worry free.

    We were going over to the school so Heath could meet up with Kuga Kyosuke.

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