Time to Forget

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Peter's P.O.V

"Good decision." Killian smiles then let's me go. I stumble over to Y/N and meet her puffy, tear stained eyes.

"Peter... I don't want to forget you." She whispers.

"I don't want you to either, love." I smirk sadly.

"I understand why you're doing this though... It's okay."

"Remember on your birthday? How I sent you around the whole island?" I smile at her.

"Of course I do, that was the day we had our first kiss." She smiles through her tears.

"I remember you were so happy that you started to snort when you laughed." I make her laugh and smile.

"I remember that too. I was so embarrassed." She laughs softly. I reach up and wipe her tears away.

"I'm going to miss that laugh." I smile.

"Oh Peter, is this really goodbye?" Her eyes begin to fill with more tears.

"I'm afraid so love." I start to tear up too.

"Get a move on demon!" Killian yells at me.

Y/N looks to me in defeat, knowing even if she tried her father wouldn't reason. I connect my forehead to hers and we both cry softly. I can't believe I'm about to lose her, just when we were finally starting to find happiness.

"Peter..." She whispers.

"It's been a pleasure loving you." I choke out through my tears. Then I kiss her, I kiss her one last time. The kiss was passionate and sweet, full of love. As I pull back I see her expression go from sad to tired. Her body goes slightly limp as sleep over takes her.

"Did it work?" Killian asks while untying the rope around Y/N.

"Yes, it worked." I say as I teleport back to the gazebo I built for Y/N. Once I'm there, I break down and let all my tears fall.

That's it, I've lost her forever.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Y/N?" Killian whispers.

"Dad? What happened?" I say making my way to my feet.

"Oh, um, you passed out. Probably too much sun las."

"Ya, you're probably right." I nod in agreement. I smile at him, I look over and see a beautiful island "Dad! Can I go explore it?" I gesture over to the island.

Killian's eyes grow wide and he pulls me away from the edge of the boat.

"No las, it's not worth it."

"Ok." I shrug.

"Now las, want to hear one of my stories?"

"Of course!" I sit down on a barrel and the crew gather around to hear a story.

"Once there was a boy, who wouldn't grow up." He started. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Dad, I've already heard this one."

"Just listen. One day a girl was doing her chores while her parents were at work. Then the boy came and snatched her out of her home. He took her to an island, his island. Where he would take young girls and make them slaves. And if they didn't obey, he would punish them and sometimes even kill them. He was a demon, and a monster. Worst of all, he had magic."

"Wow. That escalated quickly." I smile and stand from my seat.  The crew leave and go off and do whatever and my father stands.

"Goodnight Dad." I hug him.

"Night Las." He hugs back.

I turn and walk towards the hallway entry but I freeze mid-step. I look back towards the island. Why do I feel so attracted to this island? I felt a strange tug on my heart as if it wasn't the island I was attracted too but who owned it.

I shrug off the feeling and go to my cabin and lay on my bed. Then I soon drift off to a sleep full of dreams where I soar through the sky with a boy holding my hand.

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