The Bamboo Cages

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I awake with a thud, the sensation of being dropped. I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. I'm in a cage, and I'm still in the forest. The sun has risen and blinds me through the cracks in the cage. I block my eyes from the sun as the cage door swings open.

"Get out." An unfamiliar voice orders. I do what I'm told and scramble out of the cage. I look at the boy who let me out. He is very tall and has blonde hair. He also has a scar across his face but it's mostly covered up by his hair and the hood he wears.

The boy stares at me and I begin to feel rather uncomfortable.

"What's your name?" I ask so he will hopefully stop staring at me.

He doesn't answer but instead takes my arm and leads me towards the thick jungle. We walk for awhile until I'm able to see a camp appearing in the distance. I try to struggle free but the boy tightens his grip. His grip is so tight that I'm sure it's bruising my forearm.

He walks us through the camp and I soon realize, all the people in this camp are boys. Some of them look at us as we pass but others avoid us. We walk to a cabin, of sorts, and the boy walks me inside.

"Wait here." The boy says and he walks through another door. I hear mumbling but it's not loud enough to understand what they're saying.

I look at my arm and see the marks the boy made. They're nothing too bad but they're certainly there. I look around the room I'm in, take in my surroundings. It's a terribly bare, small room with only a couch, table, and a few chairs in it. Soon the boy comes back in with another boy followed behind him. I recognize the second boy as "Peter Pan". He's a fairytale, a myth, a monster.

"Hello, Y/N..." He smirks, "Did you enjoy the cage?"

I stand up from my seat on the couch and look at Pan.

"I've had worse." I say plainly. Peter smirks and then he notices my arm.

"What happened to your arm?" His tone suddenly angry. He looks at the boy who brought me here then back at me. "What happened to your arm!?" he repeats harshly.

I'm taken aback by his tone and try to answer without stuttering. "I hit it when I got out of the cage." Good job me for not stuttering.

Peter takes a few steps closer to me, quickly subtracting the amount of space between us. He looks at me as if he could read me but soon just shakes his head.

"Well we will have to learn to be more careful, now won't we?" He smirks again.

"I guess we will." He looks at me again, "Why am I here?" He looks thrown off by my question.

"Because I want you here. And you will continue to be here until I no longer want you." He says as if I'm property and that makes me mad.

"I am not your toy!" I hiss but he only raises an eyebrow and looks at me.

"Oh, no dear, not a toy but you are property, my property..." He smirks and turns on his heel.

"Go to..." I start but I'm interrupted

"Don't finish that sentence." The boy whispers but it's too late. Pan spins on his heel and slaps me. I stand there stunned and he jerks my face to look at him.

"Watch your mouth, love..." He hisses then lets me go and walks back to the boy who brought me here. Pan smirks at him "Cages, until she can play nice.." Then he walks into the other room and lets the boy take me back.

We walk on the trail back to the cages. It's silent except for the few animals and bugs we hear.

"Felix..." The boy mumbles.

"What?" I look up at him.

"My name, Felix." He looks down at me.

"Oh, that's a nice name." I say quietly and look down at the trail.

"I'm sorry,"

I look back up at him, confused,

"for your arm."

I look back at the bruises.

"It's fine, you didn't mean too.."

We arrive back at the cages to fast for my liking and without much fight I crawl into one. Felix closes the door behind me then locks it. I see movement through the cracks and soon I'm off the ground. I stay in the air as I hear Felix's footprints grow farther away. The wind sways the cage back and forth slightly, but it reminds me of being back in my ship.

"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me.. " I mumble as I drift off into sleep as the cages sways back and forth in the wind.

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