Can It Be?

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I awake early in the morning to the sound of Peter moving around the room. I turn to my side and let my eyes adjust. He is shirtless with green pants on. His hair is a mess and he looks like he had a bad dream. I slowly get up and walk over to the figure that is in front of me.

I place my hand on his back then the other in his shoulder. He tenses up at my touch then turns to face me. He looks deep into my eyes, as if he is reading me. I move one of my hands to his chest and the other to his cheek. He places a hand over both of mine and leave sit there. He looks at me again before leaning into my touch.

"Peter... are you okay?" I asked concerned. He looks up at me and nods uncertainly.

"I had a not so good dream and my thoughts have been going none stop, trying to understand it..." He backs away from my touch and runs a hand through his messy hair.

"What was it? Maybe I can help." He smiles at the offer and shakes his head lightly.

"It's something that wouldn't sense to you." He sits on the cot and I copy the motion.

"Try me." I remark and smile. He sighs and turns slightly to face me better.

"Well, I'm at the fire pit with all the lost boys and you." He looks to me for permission to continue, I nod.

"I'm playing my flute and everyone is dancing around the fire, were all having fun. Then an arrow that's laced with squid ink, which is a tricky poison for magical creatures, tries to hit me but I catch it. The only problem was it was laced on the wooden part, not the tip. The poison makes me like a statue and I'm no longer able to move." He looks away from me.

"People flood into the scene and start taking people, they even take you. I couldn't stop them, you fought with them but they eventually took you. I couldn't save you Y/N, I couldn't save anyone." He looks back to me with tears forming.

"What does it all mean?" He questions intently. I put my hand on his and intertwine our fingers.

"Peter, maybe it's your scared of losing the boys, of losing me. It's what usually happens when you start to..." I trail off as realization hits me. I look down at our hands and just stare.

"As I start to what?" He moves my chin so I face him.

"As you start to develops feelings for another person." I finally look back at him.

"Feelings?" He looks in disbelief at the floor.

"Yes Peter feelings, like happiness, anger, jealousy... love..." The last word comes out as a whisper but Peter hears it and snaps his eyes back to me.

"Love?" He looks more frightened now then he did before.

"Peter?" He jumps from the cot and with a snap of his fingers he is dressed in his normal attire and runs out the door. I follow him to the front door then I let him run into the distance.

What is it about feelings, or more specifically love, that makes Peter so distraught? I dismiss the thought as I look out the window. The sun hasn't risen so I decide to go back to bed. Maybe all of this will make sense later on, when the sun has risen.

Peter P.O.V

I go to the one place on this island where I feel safest, my thinking tree. It's a large tree near a small meadow that blooms beautiful flowers in the spring. I sit on the grass and lean against the giant tree stump. Can it be? I've fallen in love with Y/N. No, don't be absurd. It isn't possible. All these thoughts run through my head but eventually it wanders off to thinking about Y/N. Her eyes, hair, and smile. The way she laughs, cares for others, and loves adventure. Her beautiful full lips and the way her hand felt in mine. Stop. You can't do this. Even if she liked you back, Hook wouldn't approve. Hook! No, he most certainly wouldn't  approve of his daughter dating the demon boy.

I sigh aloud, what do I do? What can I do? I can make a move towards her and try to keep our relationship a secret. Not only from Hook but from the lost boys. I caught Felix eyeing Y/N a few times, so we would have to hide it from him and the others.

I get out my Pan flute and start to play a melody. I play all the notes that make me think of Y/N. Eventually, I tell the whole story of us through the melody. This could be our song. Woah, slow down there Pan boy. Even if she likes you back, you can't scare her away with a song. Y/N likes music though, I always hear her singing and see her dancing around the camp doing her chores.

I continue to fight with myself for awhile and go back to camp well after the sun has risen. I got an ideas on how to get Y/N and I together, I just hope it works. I walk back into camp to see Y/N making breakfast and the boys doing various activities. I go and write down a note on a spare piece of parchment.

Dear Y/N,
Meet me in the meadow, where everything started after breakfast.

This is all sort of my plan to get Y/N. I leave it on the log where Y/N was sitting a few seconds ago, making breakfast. I sit at the table and wait for her to look at the note. Once she does, her eyes light up and she looks over at me and nods. This is going to be perfect.

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