12: Today & Everyday

Start from the beginning

Simple but tied our hearts together.

Shortly I reached the place and was greeted with an unfamiliar shop. I opened the door, a bell bleeped through the place, an aroma of jasmines and lilies filled my nostrils. My eyes darted through the store, spotting hundreds of different flowers and plants.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A female florist greeted.

I politely smiled back at her and informed, "I'm here to pick an order for someone."

"Name or number?" She asked.

I struggled for a minute because I didn't know what name Neymar registered under or if he has given her his number. He was famous worldwide, information like that was practically confidential. After a debate I decided to say his name.

Immediately the florist widely grinned, "You're (y/n)?" Excitedly she asked.

I wondered how she knew my name but decided against asking her and just nodded my head confusedly. She gave me one last glance before disappearing behind the backdoor. It took her around five minutes to come and between that time, I looked around the flower shop intently. It was all decorated with red flowers exceptionally and a few other flowers, with hearts and wrappings for Valentine's Day.

I kept asking myself why Neymar had an order from this shop, he made it sound so important and not returnable. But then, I mentally pouted because I wished he was here. I was such a sucker for days like these and just hoped he would've chosen me over his friends for once.

"This is the package for Neymar." I heard and turned around, my eyes landed on the beautiful scarlet bouquet she held in her hands. A small smile tugged my lips, almost understanding what the order meant. She handed it over to me and I thanked her with a kind face.

"You're one lucky lady, Miss." She stated.

I know.

I left the shop after wishing her a good night and sat in my car with the red roses in between my fingers. I brought it to my nose and allowed the pleasant scent to pleasure my nostrils all while a smile arched my lips upwards. I noticed the white note dangling from the other side and with care I took it out, my eyes scanning the words and heart fluttering at each one.

I love your beautiful smile
I love how you enriched my lifestyle
With you, every day is a thrill
With you, my dreams are fulfil
Baby, I fell for you right away
Baby, I love you today & everyday


A creep of blush overcame my cheeks and I bit my lips to stop myself from squealing. My heart was with no doubt hammering wildly and beating with excess love and adoration.

I drove back to my apartment with a smile that never left my face. That's until I reached my apartment door and found it widely opened, my grin faltered. Now my heart started to bang with fear of someone trespassing my house and stealing valuable things. Instead of calling the cops, I decided to go investigate it myself first. Carefully, I stepped one foot into the apartment but I abruptly stopped with a skip of heartbeat.

Red painted the whole room like a canvas, crimson and silver balloons floated all over the ceilings alluringly decorating the place. A relieved exhale escaped my lips and the same grin returned to its place. I walked more into the hallway to find another set of scarlet petals of rose scattered on the floor, creating a pathway. I followed the roses trace till it stopped in front of my bedroom. Opening the door, my heart murmuring, I saw the most ravishing red dress hung in front of my closet. I noted another white note sticking out, taking it between my fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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