Chapter 23- A Call To Order

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All I heard from John was "How the Hell are you here?" over comms. 

"Locke... The bastard followed us here! It's my turn to deck him!" Faith was pissed. 

We stayed where we were in the Gateway, and I transformed back into myself, getting back into my armor. Cortana cut comms between Locke's group and ours. 

"Something still doesn't feel right guys." I said, worried. 

They caught up to us, and everyone whipped out their guns. Locke put his away while his buddies held theirs in a resting position. 

Locke and John spoke, and we realized that John knew that Cortana was dangerous. 

"Dammit John-"

"Until Locke was here and we had everyone together I didn't want to mention it. Plus, over Comms she could hear us. Now, she can't."

"You're right." I replied. Buck smiled, coming toward me and giving me a hug. 

"Nice to see yah kid."

"I'm not a kid."

"You're still a kid. But hey, that's cool. How're you doin Faith? How's Katie?"

"I honestly can't wait for this all to be over and to go see her again."

Of course, while we're catching up and talking, she fucking hears everything. 

"We can work together at least."

"You're too late to do anything." Cortana replied to my comment. I looked up at the light that covered us all.

"Cortana! No!" Cortana teleported Blue Team and three members of Zeta, myself, Star, and Kate, and left Malcolm and Faith behind with Osiris.

"Zeta! I am calling all members of Zeta!" I said over comms in a panic.

"The comms are blocked. They can't hear you." John said, taking my arm. 

"John! That's my team!" I was worried as all hell.

"And they're with Osiris. It'll be fine Elizabeth, okay?" He took my shoulders, and gave me a short hug. It felt better at least.

After Cortana explained her plan, I was still worried as all hell.

We fought our way up, the Warden still giving us trouble. 

Entering the building, Cortana spoke to us all again, As we rode an elevator up. John pressed her for answers, for an exact body count of everyone that died as she brought the guardians to Genesis.

Fighting more as we got up to the new area, I was wary of Star and Kate, making sure they were alright. We scaled a huge structure, weaving forward and back as the Warden spoke, trying to convince Cortana we were enemies. Again, another elevator. Fighting along one last structure, Cortana, the Warden, and John all spoke.

"What about Elizabeth? She's been through just as much Cortana! And you let her worry about her teammates because you left them with Osiris!"

"I'm sorry. I almost forgot your little beast over there. Well, she belongs as a slayer of the Flood, if it ever comes around again. Do not forget that she is the only immune creature to be created." Warden seemed almost too happy saying that. I just got more pissed off.

"She's my sister!" John exclaimed, killing yet another one of the promethean knights. 

"Yes, so? She was manipulated, and has become one of the Created. She is only about... Fifty to thirty percent human... She just hides behind a mask of flesh that is made to look like yours."

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