Chapter 1: Before the Freeze

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My name is Elizabeth. A ghost of a certain Spartan's past. While I may have faded into the shadows of his legacy, I was not forgotten. I am his sister. His only living family.

Many Spartans never would have that luxury.

This is my story, and his. John 117, the luckiest Spartan alive.

I'm not that lucky.

I was born with a neural disorder that left me paralyzed from the waist down, but also enhanced a few of my mental capabilities, which let me not only start school sooner, but join the same grade as my brother. While I was locked in a wheelchair, he stood tall. He was physically strong, and intelligent from the beginning. I always watched him play with the other kids, on the hill, pushing them away.

One day, a woman came, and asked him a couple questions. I watched. And he showed me the coin that he got in return. I was excited by his enthusiasm.

One night, after that incident, he was taken by men in black uniforms, dragged through the window into the moonlight. I opened one eye, into a slit. One man saw me, and a finger went over his mouth. Another John, obviously not him by the strange clothes he wore, and the imperfect amount of muscle (since John, even though he was only six, had a lot of built up muscle), was laid down on his bed. I squeezed my eyes shut. Maybe it was a dream?

It wasn't. I lost my real brother that night. I woke up, seeing the new John there. No one else noticed, at all. The imposter became sickly, and died, only a few weeks later. I knew the truth, but no one believed me.

I became reclusive, and began reading more and more, playing with codes, math, etc. It was what kept me sane while no one would talk to me. My parents, after the loss of fake John, began to dismiss me as I reminded them of him.

I got older, growing from four to eight, and was able to skip a few grades... And by that I mean I was in eighth grade. I got dropped off by the bus at the school, and wheeled myself in, and entered my honors Algebra class.

After school, and a few snide comments, I got on the bus home. When I was dropped off, I felt a pair of arms grab me, and drag me off of my wheelchair, a rag over my face. I quickly passed out.

I was kidnapped by a scientist, looking to see if they could manipulate my nervous system to get my legs not only working again, but make me stronger, faster, and completely under their control. I was young, but I wasn't stupid. My brain was over-developed for my age.

They made sure I was tied down as they injected liquids into me. I grew hot, and feverish, and screamed in pain as I felt my body burn from the inside. They put a gag on me, to keep me quiet.

It worked.

When I woke up, I could move my feet, my legs. I stood, and paced around the cell, feeling stronger. I was excited. I could finally stand! But a gas began filling the room. It made me dizzy, and I fell. Two men in gas masks picked me up, and dragged me out of the room, throwing me onto a surgical table. They pinned me down with metal straps, and one of them lifted their mask.

"Time to have a little more fun... Maybe this gene mixture will be better than the others..."

I couldn't respond, and felt another burning sensation when they inserted the needle into my skin, and began pumping another foreign fluid in. I screamed again, and received another gag.

I woke up, after passing out from the pain, and found a tattoo on my arm- of a dragon. I looked at it, and frowned. I felt something... Different. I could see someone outside of the door, through a small window.

"Hello. You must be so confused on what's going on."

"Well, yea. I'm kidnapped, held against my will somewhere, and strange drugs have been pumped into my body. I'm pretty confused. Especially because I had no value."

"You had a lot of value, actually. You must be wondering where your brother is."

I became slightly angry. "How do you know about my brother?!"

"Woah, woah. No point in getting angry! We're from a different group. The UNSC took him as part of a secret experiment to create super soliders. He had a perfect genetic makeup for the project. You would have too, but you had the issue of being paralyzed. But... That doesn't exclude you from our group!"

I huffed. "So? Your probably from the rebel group against the UNSC. And you want to use me as some sort of weapon. I refuse to fight my brother for you."

He frowned. "Well... Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge. We just want-"

"I don't care what you want. I know what I want, and that's to be with my family again!"

He sneered. "Don't yell at me girl. I can show you what we've done to you, and you'll have lots of fun controlling it... Maybe I should..."


He pressed a button, and a collar I hadn't noticed before around my neck sent a shock through my system. I collapsed, and felt pressure all over my body. Something was happening to me. I stared at my hand as my fingers became claws, something ripped out of my back, and I felt scales over my new snout.

I stared in the provided mirror. I was... I was a dragon... No. That was impossible. I had become a dragon-like creature. I stared, and backed into the wall, on all fours. The tail that now was in between my legs shivered with fear. I was in complete control, but had a sort of instinctual feeling that wanted me to rip the throat out of the man behind the door, who was laughing. I growled at him, unable to yell and scream in anger. I felt the collar again, and it shocked me, turning me back into myself.

I sat on my bed, legs scooped into my arms. I was wracking my brain, trying to figure out what to do. The door was knocked, and I saw a woman outside the door this time. She smiled at me weakly, and opened a slot in the door. She set a tray of food down, and I picked it up.

"Thank you."

"N-No problem... I'm sorry... I usually don't see kids in here..."

"So why am I here?"

"T-They told me that you were an experiment... I can't stand it anymore..."

I frowned, and looked down. "Get out of here as soon as possible then. If you don't want to stay... Don't."

She motioned to the tray. "You better eat. Especially that meatloaf, I worked really hard on it. And don't worry... I know you'll be free someday."

She had a renewed energy, and smiled. I smiled back, because she was so nice. I put the tray on my lap, on my bed. I began to eat, finding a plastic strip that read

"I called the UNSC. They're gonna get you all out of here. I might be dead, but at least you guys can go home. Especially you, kid. Good luck."

That night, I heard an air raid siren, and felt the gas again. This time, I was thrown into a cryo pod, and I felt the cold envelop my body. Freezing it.

Hello! This is a rewrite of the original Halo Fanfic that I was writing! Over time, I've gotten much better at writing, so it should be much better... I'll post a few more chapters today as well!

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