Chapter 6: Finding the Captain

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I'm gonna be completely honest with you: TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION IS MY FAVORITE LEVEL IN CE AND I KNOW IT BY HEART. BECAUSE I LOVE IT. SO YEA. I just wrote this part from memory. Have fun!

I waited with my new sniper rifle, across from John. He seemed to relax around me a bit more, since he knew I was trying to aid him. I badly wanted to show him the coin. To show him who I was, but I understood why I couldn't say a word. I hoped he'd figure it out on his own. He was a lucky bastard, and a smart one at that. Plus, based on what Keyes had told me before, had a track record of finding information that he wasn't exactly supposed to. I wondered what he and Cortana talked about when I couldn't hear them over the comms.

We landed, and I jumped out, helping more marines out of the pelican. John was already taking head shots with another sniper rifle. I laid down, and shot a few times. One bullet, two fatalities. I loved it.

We got off of the small hill that allowed us some cover and secrecy, and walked ahead. Again, as we walked across the cliffs in the darkness beneath the large ship that held Keyes, killing as we slowly moved. Using sign language, we spoke in brief phrases and words, orders and conversation.

"Over there." He motioned

"Got it."

I shot, and I got another kill.

"Good job." He signed


"You okay?"

"WDYM?" I asked, a bit confused why he was asking.

"WDYM?" He replied, now confused.

"What do you mean?" I clarified.

"Oh. I mean are you feeling alright?"

"Fine. Why?"

"No reason."

I looked at him strangely, and wondered what was going on in his head.

I followed into another clearing, where it was a bit more difficult to remain hidden, but I managed. They had no idea I was there, but John was revealed. They called him a demon, something to fear.

He had been in ground combat before this. He seemed like the type that had done this many times before... Maybe he was feared by the other side? I liked that idea.

I followed closely as we rounded a corner to a final clearing before the large cargo lift. I held my breath as I aimed, hitting a jackal squarely between the eyes. It's shield didn't deactivate though. I ran up, after we cleared that area, and showed John. I moved my hands to say "Keep it?" And I pointed at me and him. He pointed back at me, and nodded.

"Thanks." I signed.

"You need armor."

"I know."

We quickly joined the others, as we began to work our way to the final area below. I smiled from the small area we found ourselves in first, then set up near the edge with the shield blocking attacks on my back. I had hooked it up to cover my back while I shot.

I got up, pulling the shield from behind me as we finished off the last of them. I switched from my trusty rifle to a pistol, taking a similar tactic as the jackals, but with more grace. They weren't stupid, but at least they couldn't aim as well without the second hand. The clumsy way they used the plasma pistols...

Sorry. Ranting about bad tactics!

Anyway, we were joined by more marines, and stepped onto the lift. We were lifted up, against the pull of gravity, into the ship. I enjoyed it, doing a backflip then positioning myself properly. I could tell some of the others were rolling their eyes.

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