Importance of a good friend

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Okay so me and Mandy were going .....

Oh by the way guys meet Mandy . Shes my 'bestie' , for real I mean . Shes my partner in crime and I know even if I rob a bank , she'll still be there to accept me with open arms .

Im sure we all have a 'Mandy' . Don't we ? .....

Wait what ! You don't !!!

Oh my God ! You guys need to have a best friend in your high school . Okay if those are hard to find then at least someone who always watches your back . Oh wait ... BEST FRIEND DO THAT !

So#soultion no.1 (of,course to survive High School) :)

- Make a Best friend

No , seriously that friend has to be your souls sister.

Ok Fine ! I admit . Not all of us are gregarious or social and its really hard to fit in and make Friends. Yeah , Tell me all about it !

But , you need to find that one buddy in your school who agrees with you if you think your math teacher is a total b**** :)

Get what I'm saying ? At least have that sorta buddy around .

Trust me . It will be one step toward salvation *lets out a hopeful breath *

Yes and above all

















~_^ dramatic much ?

I think not .

Just give a though at what I've written . Im sure you'll understand .

My prayers out to all those suffering students ; like me!

Till then ,

Bye .

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