***Night of Birthday ball***

Octavia stood with Linclon and Bellamy at the bottom of the largest staircase in the castle. The ball was in the ballroom but Clarke wanted to sneak in casually. No one but Lincoln, Octavia, and Bellamy would know who she was. Octavia wore a long red dress with beads and jewels on her corset. She had elbow length gloves and poofy off the shoulder straps. She was fixing Bellamy's shirt coller that he couldn't figure out.
"I don't know how you'd survive without a woman in your life." She murmured and he laughed. That's when Clarke apeared at the top of the staircase with her father. Octavia looked up, and put her arms down from Bellamy's shirt.
"Bell." She got his attention. He looked back and saw her at the top of the stairway. She wasn't wearing her mask yet. Her blonde hair was curled and her makeup was beautiful. She wore a blue dress to match her eyes. It was fitted to her hips and from there it flowed down. There were off the shoulder straps but not like Octavia's large poofy ones. They were simple straps with material that hung over the back of her arms. Bellamy felt his heart beat. Why did she have to be so beautiful? Why did he have to fall for her? Bellamy knew he fell for Clarke. He knew three months ago. This girl he used to hate, he loved more than almost anyone. All he could think was, how did he fall for someone so smart and kind? He wished she felt the same way but knew they'd never happen. Clarke plans on ruling alone, which he respects and promised to help her anyway he could. But still, he couldn't shake the feeling he got when they touched. He'd never forget the night she kissed his cheek.

Clarke stood, looking down at Bellamy. She couldn't tell what he was thinking by his expression. Her heart sped up. She didn't know how to feel about anything anymore. A part of her told her to drop the idea of them being together because after their last encounter, he'd never agree to a romantic relationship. But on the other, he made her happy. She thought clearer. He made her feel better. She felt she could share things with him.
"Someone's happy to see you." Her father smiled next to her. She looked at him. "Ready?" He asked. Clarke put on her mask and nodded. But before she stepped down,
"Dad?" She got his attention. "What do you do... when you font know how to feel?" She asked. Her father only smiled at her.
"Follow your heart. When you use your head, you get in your own way." He said. Clarke sighed and they went down the staircase. Octavia went and hugged her.
"I wanted to get in there but I wanted to say hello first." Octavia smiled.
"I'll see you in there." Clarke nodded. With that, Octavia and Lincoln left to the ballroom.
"I'll be with my Queen so I'm trusting you, Bellamy." Jake grinned.
"Yessir." Bellamy smiled back then looked at Clarke. "May I have this dance?" He held out his hand. She took it.
"Of course." She smiled. Then off they went.

Bellamy had his right hand on her back, pulling her close. Clarke had her left on his shoulder. Their free hands held eachother as they rocked to the slow paced music.
"You look amazing." He whispered to her.
"You're not bad yourself." She joked and they laughed.
"I did get you something." Bellamy remembered. "I got your lady in waiting to deliver it to your room."
"Should I be worried?" She smirked at the idea of what he could've got her.
"Let's just say, your lady in waiting is good at keeping secrets." He winked making her roll her eyes and blush. Suddenly, a blonde boy tapped on Bellamy's shoulder.
"Mind if I cut in?" He grinned. Reluctantly, Bellamy started pulling away but Clarke pulled him back.
"Yes, I do mind." She smiled. The boy was shocked but left.
"You keep suprising me, Princess." He grinned.
"I keep you on your toes." She corrected. "Isn't that what a potential wife is supposed to do?" She joked and they laugh.
"You know, I'm going to miss you when I return home." Bellamy said. "Id much rather be with you then have to explain to my mother why I returned unmarried." He scoffed.
"Wait, what do you mean?" Clarke asked.
"Well, I just figured you knew."
"Knew about what?" Clarke pressed. Bellamy froze. Of course they didn't tell her my kingdom is on the verge of economic collapse! They don't want her decision to be influenced!
"Uh... just that... I'm a Batchelor and my mother is worried I'm going to die alone." He laughed but Clarke knew he was lying. Still, she kept quiet and dropped the subject, promising to find out later.
"You're not going to die alone." Clarke smiled passed her thoughts.
"Oh yeah? How do you know that?"
"You're far too great to die alone. You'll find someone."
"Maybe I already lost her." He looked her dead in the eye. It slipped out. He thought it and it came out. They stopped dancing.
"I did it again." He started pulling away.
"No." She pulled his arm to her her. "You didn't loose her." Clarke promised. Bellamy looked at her, shocked. She had to have known who he was talking about. Clarke pulled him back to where they were before. Only now, both her hands rested on his shoulders and both Bellamy's hands went on her back. They swayed.
"Princess..." Bellamy said.
"Shh." Clarke silenced him before their foreheads touch. They could feel each other's heart beats and breathe. Neither of them could help it. Bellamy bent down, Clarke tilted her head up. Both of them closed their eyes.
"Hey, Clarke?" Octavia said, five feet away, looking at them when they were centimeters from kissing. Bellamy and Clarke immediately looked at her and pulled away.
"Y-yeah?" Clarke somehow got something out.
"I was going to freshen up and wanted to know if you'd like to join me?"
"Umm..." Clarke looked at Bellamy.
"I needed to... go talk to Lincoln anyway..." Bellamy nodded.
"Uh... ok... I'll be back." She promised.
"Ok." He smiled.


"Why did you interupt us?" Clarke asked angrily, going in her room.
"Because I wanna know."
"Know what?"
"If you're in love with him like he's in love with you." Octavia called her out.
"Wait... wha-"
"He told me he loves you, Clarke. He said how he's fallen for you but you'll never love him back. So before you break his heart, I wanna know what you feel for him."
"I don't know!" Clarke shot back. "All I know is that I do care about him! He's sweet and funny... he's smart and I know he'll be a great king one day but I just don't know if he'll feel the same after I rejected him!" Clarke spilled. It was quiet for a moment.
"You're in love with him."

*** Oh snap! They're in love! Just like on the show! 😍

So this has been my chapter! There are more to come but not many so yeah!

Anyway, I love you all, hope you liked it and I'll see ya next time!


T-Rex aka Queen of Bellarke 👑 * * *

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