"Hate That I Love You" {Ray&August Alsina}

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"Hate That I Love You"
(feat. Ne-Yo)

That's how much I love you
That's how much I need you
And I can't stand you
Must everything you do mae me wanna smile
Can I not like you for awhile? (No....)

But you won't let me
You upset me girl
And then you kiss my lips
All of a sudden I forget (that I was upset)
Can't remember what you did

But I hate it...
You know exactly what to do
So that I can't stay mad at you
For too long that's wrong

But I hate it...
You know exactly how to touch
So that I don't want to fuss.. and fight no more
Said I despise that I adore you

And I hate how much I love you boy (yeah...)
I can't stand how much I need you (I need you...)
And I hate how much I love you boy (oh whoa..)
But I just can't let you go
And I hate that I love you so (oh..)

 Ray: 20

August: 21

Ray P.O.V

Aug you are not my dad so get the hell otta my face!" I yelled while walking down the stairs in our house. "I wouldn't have a reason to act like it if you would stop acting like a little ass kid Ray!" He yelled louder than me. He punched the wall and knocked down a picture of the kids. "Boy are you crazy?! Don't be breakin shit." I said while pointin to the broken frame. "This is my house! I'll do whatever the hell I want." And he started going on a rampage throwing everything in his path. I just stood by the steps and watched as he trashed more than ten thousand dollar worth of stuff. He finally finished and stood infront of me. 

"You done?" I asked sarcastically with a smirk. That set him over the edge and he hit me. So I hit him back and we started rumblin. I mean think about it though he's like 6'4 and I'm 5'4. I wasn't gonna win but i'll be damned if I let him just hit me. He knocked me down and started hitting me and then Craig walked in with our girls. "Aug man what you doin?!" He said pulling him off. The girls just sat and watched. "Man get the hell off me this between us!" He said while looking at me evilly. "Naw man ya kids are here." And then Aug turned to see the girls crying. 

I got up off the floor and walked over to them and hugged them. They cried into my shoulders and then Aug stormed out. "Thanks for comming." I said wiping the girls tears. "Naw thank Desi  for calling me." He said while looking at me sadly. I looked at him and then my daughters. "Girls it's okay go up to your room while I talk to Craig. They did as i said and I turned to him. 

"How'd it start this time?" He said. "He was mad because I let the girls go to a party with some friends at a skating rink without going with them. He says I'm a bad daddy-ma." I started crying. I hate that he treats me like he does and I love him so much. "It's okay just try to stop making him mad." He kissed my forehead. "I can't he won't let me be myself anymore. It's like he's trying to make me into the perso I used to be." I said while trying to stop crying. "Look I doubt he wants that. He loves you the way you are. It's just he has a temper problem and you know that." I backed away from. 

"So I should just stop being myself and just listen to everything he says?" I said almost yelling. "No I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt if you picked what battles to have with him. Craig said sounding like he really thought that was right. "No Craig. You know I can never do that. You know that would lead me to my old self." I walked up the stairs. "See yourself out." I said while walking into my daughters room. 

"I'm sorry babies. Daddy and mommy didn't mean to wake you." They both just hugged my sides as I sat on a bed. "You girls know that mommy and daddy love eachother and you very much right?" They shook their heads and kissed them. "Good. Now go back to sleep." They got in their beds and when i was about to turn off the light Desi asked "Mommy why does daddy hit you?" "Baby I'm not sure. Sometimes mommy is  bad." She shook her head like she thought that was right. I turned off the light and went into room and cried.  Aug then came in the room. 

"Baby I'm so sorry." He came next to me and kissed my neck. "You know I love you." He then started rubbing on my ass. Now Lord knows that I wanted to but the only reason we ever have sex anymore is when he hits me. And tonight I just wasn't up for it. "Aug please." I said starting to cry again. He kept kissing me and tried to take off me pj pants. "AUGUST" I said a little louder.

He just grunted and started to lay me down. He got on top of me and took off my pants and underwear at the same time. So there I was laying on a bed with my bottom half exposed. "Please Aug don't d-" I was cut off by him slapping me. "shut the hell up Rayan!" He bent down and started to kiss me again. I didn't do anything I just let him do what he wanted to me. He had his way with me for two long hours. And I cried through the whole thing. Why does he do this to me?

~The Next Morning~
I woke up and took a shower. I went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast and then I woke everyone up. "Goodmorning girls." I said with a forced smile. "morning mommy." I sat two plates down infront of them. Then Aug came downstairs in some boxers. "Hey baby." He said after giving me a kiss. "Hi." I said blandly. He gave me a look what's your problem and I just looked at the floor. I got a cup of Apple juice and watched the girls eat. 

"Daddy do you love mommy as much as he loves you?" Callie asked. I almost spit up my juice. "Of course princess why would you ask that?" He said calmly. "Because you hit her worse than you hit us." Desi said while picking at her cereal. "Desi stop doing that." I said while taking another sip. I wanted to hear what he was going to say. "Well sometimes daddy looses his temper and hits mommy but he does still love him and he always will." He looked at me with his deep eyes and I could tell he was sorry. "Come on girls time for you to get ready for school." 

I brought them upstairs and helped them get dressed. When I was finished I took them to the bustop and let them play with the other kids while I talked to Jacob. "So Ray how's Aug?" "He's great." I said with a smile. "Oh really I thought there might be some trouble in yall's marriage or something cause last-" I cut this nigga off with a quickness,"Well no he had to run and get somethings from the store actually. I had fell down the stairs and we need some muscle rub." I said lying my tail off. The others looked satisfied but Jacob didn't. The bus came and I kissed my girls good-bye and jogged back home so I could get a head start on cleaning the house. 

"Baby I'm so sorry for last night." Was the first thing I heard when I got in the house. Aug was there with no shirt on knowing that makes me weak. "Aug you say that all the time. Everytime you do it. Maybe if you stop there wouldn't be a problem." I said walking into the kitchen to clean the dishes. He came behind me and kissed my neck. "I know but you just make me loose it when you don't listen to me." I turned to face him while he pressed me against the sink. "Look Aug I'm grown. I'm not the little boy you saved from his pimp." I looked at him with all the anger I could after looking at his sexy body. "I know baby and I'm so sorry. You forgive me?" He pressed against me a little more allowing me to feel his soldier standing perfectly erect. 

"Yeah okay I do. Now go somewhere cause I got a lot of work to do today to get ready for ya little barbeque." I pushed him off of me. "Damn baby that's cold you just gonna leave me hanging?" I laughed a little and smirked "Well you wouldn't have that problem if you had a little self control." I turned to the dishes. "Baby!" He whined. "Aug don't beg. It's not attractive." I said without even looking at him. He sighed loudly and walked into the livingroom. I love him so much it makes no sense. 

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