Chapter 5 - Nervous Dean

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We were having a normal quiet morning at a diner we spotted while leaving. I was only having tea and fruit salad. In the time we had spent together, Dean was always amazed how little food gets me going.

-I just don't understand how you thrive without a burger or fries. Or a pie.
- I thrive perfectly well, Dean, but thank you for the concern. - I smiled at him, he looked at me with an expression I knew too well. Since the night we killed those vamps I could feel it. He was falling for me and I had to use that. I needed more time around them. Don't get me wrong, I was confident but the Winchester were great and I had started feeling bad about lying to them. But I knew why I do it, I knew that I had to and I knew that my aim wasn't to hurt them. I needed their help but they never would help me if they knew.
-Thalia? Were did you doze off? - Sam asked me jokingly.
- I'm sorry, what were we talking about?
-Well about what to do next. Do you have a place to go to?
I raised my shoulders and laughed.
-No, Sam.  I don't really have "my place". I just travel around the country, I find monsters and that's pretty much it.
-Don't you have a family? - Dean asked, I guess he wasn't able to contain his curiosity.
-Getting all personal aren't we?
-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..
I didn't let him continue:
-it's fine Dean. I don't have a family. - I tried to sound slightly sad like a normal person while saying that but I wasn't really. - They passed away a long time ago, death is usually a part of a hunter's life.
Very convincing. But mentioning death always works because people get uncomfortable and feel sorry for you which means no more questions. But it was after all true, my family had been dead for a very long time. Sam tried to exchange a meaningful look with Dean but he was very distracted. This was the moment. One of them had to ask me to stay a little longer and work together and my plan would work. If they didn't... I'd have to use some of my special abilities which I really didn't want to do.
- There seems to be a case in Alabama. A few weird deaths, but I'm not sure what caused them. - Sam mentioned it casually but I was hoping he'll suggest something soon.
-Well I can take it, if you would be kind enough to step aside and let the ladies first.
Sam laughed and left the newspaper on the table, took a sip from from his coffee calmly and smiled.
-Would you like to work together on it? I mean we anyway are all here so why not go there and see how serious it is. Only if you want to though, you do prefer working alone, right? - his long explanations meant he genuinely offered that. I smiled both because of that and because my plan was succeeding.
-What? - Dean raised his voice and looked at both of us in a stressed manner. - but we work separately and we work good that way. It was nice helping you, Thalia, but I really think it would be best if we all go our own ways.
To be fair, I was surprised and barely managed to hide it. I expected him to offer me to stay a bit longer. Sam looked very confused too.
-Dean we have worked with other people too before, what's going on with you man? I just thought that..
-Hey, Sam, thanks a lot but it's all good. And I get your brother, he's probably right. I thank you both a lot for the help, I would have done it without you too but a bit harder - Sam and I laughed, but Dean was still serious and nervous. - well you have my number, give me a call if you ever need help.
I gave them both a warm smile and hurried out of the door of the diner. That was it. This was my only chance to do it the normal way, I couldn't help it but get angry.

Dean's POV
I was looking in my plate, eating my omelette but I could feel Sam staring at me. I was hoping he won't say anything but then it started.
-What the hell was that, Dean? You literally banished the girl. What was all of that about?
I sighted and finally looked at him.
-Look we don't know who she actually is..why work with her more, can we even trust her? And there's just no point, we're good together, we're the best team, just the two of us, right Sammy?
I pat his shoulder with a wide smile on my face hoping this will all work.
-Are you for real? Did you see how brightly she smiled when I offered her to work together for another case. - yes, Sam I notice when she's smiling, I thought, I notice it damn too much. - She has nobody Dean and I'm sure she'll leave eventually because she seems like a lone wolf but...I thought she can use the company and we can use her help, she's a very good hunter, she's more intelligent than you doubled...she notices everything, I have never seen someone work so detailed..
-Fine, fine I got it. Well goddamn it Sam, she just distracts me okay?
Sam looked at me in disbelief.
-She distracts you? Dean what are we, in high school?
I have to admit he was right but I just really don't think I'd be focused enough around her. I thought I better just cut it while my feelings weren't strong and I could normally go on with my life.
-What do you want me to do Sam...
He was silent for a few moments and was hoping he'll just leave it.
-Go outside, find her and apologize for being a selfish and childish dick. Then invite her to work together for the next case.
Sam didn't want to give up on this either.
-Fine. - I put my jacket on and left the table.
She was sitting outside on a bench near the diner, looking at her phone. God, why was I so attracted to this girl? It's not like it happens for the first time, for sure not, but I found it hard to control myself and resist from doing anything(I usually don't have to do that). I approached her and she looked at me, not too surprised. Her face didn't show much emotion, as if she had chosen not to let me in. As if she didn't want me to be able to understand what's going on in her head and was succeeding.
-Did I forget anything in the diner? - her voice was steady.
-No, not really. I wanted to say sorry for what I said.. You can come with us if you truly want to.
-Dean, I don't want it now that I know you don't approve. It would have been nice to share another hunt or two together... but I don't need this right now, I don't want to create problems. If Sam made you do this, get back inside and tell him I'm fine. I don't need you to feel sorry for me. Her words got me angry, she had completely misunderstood the situation.
-No, no, nobody feels sorry for you, Thalia. It's clear for both of us you're a big girl and can take care of yourself, you don't have to keep playing the "strong and independent" role all the time. And I truly didn't mean what I said, I am being honest with you now and I want you to stay with us for as long as you want it. You are also free to go when you need you space. You are a fascinating hunter and..a good person, Thalia.
This was it, my most convincing, honest and real speech I could give her in hopes she won't be stubborn and decide to come back. She was smiling but I still wasn't sure what to think.
-Okay, Dean Winchester. If you want me that much.. - we both laughed but I felt like crying on the inside because I really did want her - just don't call me kiddo again and we have a deal.

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