The Uninvited

527 8 1

I was so annoying back then, gosh.

So yeah, this is under major editing, I suggest you to read it by 2016 because by that time, I expect to have written more chapters.

-Slow updates
-Minor description of self harm (I do not recommend self harm. It will only be written for the sake of the plot)
-Traumatizing experiences
-It can ruin your childhood...

Yup, it ruined my childhood too. I cry.

Please do not tell me that I have copied this plot or anything. I have been dreaming about these for a while now and if some are quite familiar, it is entirely by coincidence.

If ever anyone comments about how I "copied" someone else's work, I s2g.

Have a nice day.

-piña colada

[edited: October 15, 2015]

The Uninvited [major editing]Where stories live. Discover now