Chapter 3: I Live Next Door After All

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"Don't forget me, CJ. I'll be back but you must forget what I told you about myself." A whisper echos in my ear.

I whizzed off the echo in my ear as if its going to help. "Go away, Ashley! Get out of my life!" I slammed my door and window closed.

"None can do. I live next door after all..." and that was the last I've heard of her today which I'm glad for. But it haunted me that she can get in easily in my house without anyone letting her in. Who knows when will she be back?

I honestly would prefer school instead of staying home if that means far from her as possible. That proves how desperate I am.


One week later

"Have fun in school, sweetie." Dad kissed my forehead.

"Of course, dad. Bye, love you."

"Love you, too. Make friends!"

"I will."

Three hours into school and I'm struggling.

As usual, the first day was always horrible as it could get especially in a new school. In all honesty, I could stay here the whole day if that meant not seeing Ashley. Our "debate" a week ago was not something to be proud of. I know she's not yet over it as well and I'm glad. She'll jeopardize my privacy.

I didn't make friends as I've said I will. It isn't that easy to make friends. I was friendly but that something in me had died down as if someone was taking it part by part.

I'm glad for it as well.

Don't get me wrong, I did talk to some people, only that I didn't recognize them as friends since we've got a short time to elaborate our life stories.

I knew Pam the first. And the rest, I couldn't remember their names. It's gonna take me a difficult time to adjust so I'm going to be needing some friends to help me up, soon.

In the middle of class, I noticed her outside the window in the middle of the school yard with a lot of 2nd graders playing by. It bothered me that she sat too close to the oblivious woman and her son. She was resting her chin on her hand, obviously looking depressed when suddenly I saw her eyes flicker up to mine. At that moment, I ignored the window and pretended I've never seen her even if I know for a fact that she'll be back for me later.

It doesn't help when you think about it.

"Sweetie," Ms. McGregor approached, snapping me out of my trance. "Sweetie, we know some people are still hung up on some things, it is the first day after all, but--"

"Ms. McGregor, I'm sorry, I was just--there's just a lot of things going in my head."

"It's okay, no need to apologize. Just listen to my class and we can talk about it later."

"Mhm." Am I going to talk to her about it? Probably not, but I'm going to need to sort this out.


The class went on, and I wasn't liking it already. I expected it to be a new start. A fresh face, and strangers are the best target to start a new personality. But I had to learn. I had to make myself well kept and reserved. Immediately, I remember what happened when I made friends too easily. Ashley made subtle hints that she did live next door to me and her room directly infront of my window. I feel guarded, also not in a good way. I felt like she was haunting me every single night I dreamt something out of the ordinary. I definitely was assured that she is, in fact, out of the ordinary. She isn't normal. She's...supernatural?

Supernatural. I guess.

I didn't even notice the class end but I found myself on my feet, hastily packing my belongings and blended among students before Ms. McGregor can even see a glimpse of me.

I might need to talk to her, she seems nice but I won't. She'll need to leave me solve these problems myself. I don't need someone else to snoop in my business. I need a friend to talk to, but Emily is back at Oregon, and I couldn't be bothered taking out my laptop to skype her.

Since I had less than an hour for break, I didn't even try to socialize. I wasn't the type to walk over to someone's table and tell stories about myself or what happened last year. I didn't approach the unecessary comments about my life. My only friend finding routine would be if I had a group project and I'd be forced to discuss about certain things or back from my old friendly 4 year old self who met Em in daycare. I also wondered why I approached this Ashley person because that's so out of the norm. I wouldn't do that in any way. So why did I in that snowy day?

Goddammit. Why am I stressing out on having friends? It's not like they'd help me in a life and death situation.

I reconsider talking to Mrs. McGregor, but not so soon. It's still the first day.



Guys yknow i wrote this a long time ago
And wow when i came back to look at it, all the names i used are similar to my  now high school friends' names.
Is it a premonition?!?!
Jkjk this in here are crazy, dont wanna happen irl
Hopefully i find the inspiration to finish this

peace luv piña bye

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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