Chapter 1: Who Could You Be

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3:54 P.M.

Watching the city lights of New York through the window of my parents car, a snowflake evaded my vision yet, I find it fascinating. It was mid-August and I am to start 8th grade soon. I am fairly excited. Why? I've been grounded for a whole month and it will end once I start school. Being grounded for a stupid reason is frustrating but I also blame myself for trusting a stranger to take a picture of my friends and I, who afterwards swindled my phone.

I have lived here for a month now, only to be grounded and kept home. Anyway, the reason we moved? I don't know. I had a great life at Ohio, and I wouldn't be want to change a thing. My parents still had their jobs and sanity but they insisted a fresh start. At least that's what Mum told me.

My eyes are glued to the window, the snowflakes increasing as it fills up the pavement. A Lady in a fancy trench coat walks poshly across the dumped pavement with a man following up to her and held an umbrella above both of them. They smiled at each other as the woman thanked him quietly. It seems to me that they were strangers. I smile too, knowing that there are still some people as kind as that man.

"Cleo, we are going to buy a few things for your school necessities. And probably a couple of clothes for this winter season." Mum stated while looking through the passenger's mirror and paints her lips with red. Honestly, the sound of my name made me ignore her. I told them to call me CJ but they won't listen.

"Jane," Dad starts, correcting my mother. It's a long story but I don't bother explaining it now. "make sure you don't lose your phone again." He grudges and involuntarily, I stare at the disposable Samsung phone my dad gave me. After squeezing it into the pocket of my skinny jeans, I shrug on my coat and stuff my cold hands into my pockets.

As the mall came into view, my dad turns a sharp left to the parking lot causing me to slide down the other window view side. "Hey! Children on board here!" A man shouts, his head poking out in the cold.

Dad only shrugs and throws him a peace sign. My hands flew to my forehead and landed with a forceful slap. I could say he is the worst driver I've ever encountered. Finally found a parking space, dad pulls up carelessly, almost hitting the car parked in front of us with the bumper.

"Oh my gosh, dad, please be more careful." I exclaim, clutching my chest.

"JC, how did you get your license again?" Mum questions, having the same reaction as me.

Dad sheepishly grins and sinks into his seat.


I sigh, dropping my shopping bags on my bed. There's still some at the car for a round two because I couldn't carry it all at once. Before I would bring the rest here in my room, I sort things out so it would be easier for me to arrange by the time school starts.

It's sad to only see the village through thin glass and I don't even get to see the most it. But I will soon. I will. And maybe even go the extra mile.

Slowly, I went down the stairs to retrieve my items from the car. The snow is approximately 4 inches but I don't mind going out. At least I had an excuse. I snatched my hat from the coatrack and swiftly put it on. While I stood, I stumbled putting on my boots and had some troubles with it. Mum looks at me weirdly and proceeds to her cooking.


When I reach for the boot's lock, I expected it to be closed and that I had to go back and take the keys, but it was open. Anybody could've stolen from here considering it was open. I look around and see nothing but snow. Maybe it's been creeping on me..?

Instead of thinking about things too much, I hung the bags on my forearm one by one and slam the boot shut. The car beeps and headlights flash. Instinctively, I look at my dad inside the house, waiting for his reaction, he does nothing but shakes his newspaper straight. A deep sigh escaped my lips, the cold turning it into frosts.

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