MEME BUT NOT REALLY (or something just a spam of stuff)

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Cinnamon Roll: Tasha

Looks like a Cinnamon Roll, but actually isn't: Rollan.

Looks like a Cinnamon Roll and is one: Conor.

Doesn't look like a Cinnamon Roll, but is one: Abeke

Doesn't look like a Cinnamon Roll and isn't a Cinnamon Roll: Meilin (but she still needs to be loved)

Sinnamon Roll: Rache


Look like they can kill you, but actually can't: Abeke.

Looks like they can kill you and actually can: Meilin

Looks like they can't kill you but actually can: Rollan

Looks like they can't kill you and actually can't: Conor.


Rollan: from now on we will be referring to each other with codenames.

Abeke: how about no.

Rollan: how about yes. You can refer to me as hawk one. Been there done that will be nobody because I haven't done anyone yet.

Conor: please stop.

Rollan: Meilin is currently doing that.

Meilin: Maybe you should be been there done that. I mean that's what I would say if I was making the codenames.

Rollan: okay rude. Abeke is it happened once in a dream.

Abeke: please tell me your lying.

Rollan: Conor is if I had to pick a dude.

Conor: no.

Rollan: and Tasha is-

Tasha: can you just n-


Tasha: oh thank-god.


Conor: hey Abeke why did Shane cross the road?

Abeke: uh, I don't kn-

Conor: he didn't! He's an asshole and stood infront of my car for five minutes.


Fan 1: DARMO!

Fan 2: Drina and Devin!

Fan 3: Shavin!

Me: bubble wrap because literally in every fanfictION HE GETS STABBED EVERY CHAPTER HE'S IN! I BLAME YOU Griff-FanFic1933. Petition for people to stop stabbing Devin or like anyone in general.


Spirit Animals, more like Sad Animals because everyone dies and I cry.


Authors: so we have to kill Conor.

Me: what no, fight me.

Authors: fine we'll kill Roll-

Me: NO

Authors: then Abeke dies.


Authors: we have to kill someone!

Me: FINE. Kill Drina.

Drina: bitch what the fuck.

Authors: we have to kill someone that plays a large role in the series.

Me: Could you not. Just don't touch the four fallen, or Devin and Karmo.

Authors: k.

~Tarik Dies~

Me: *loud screeching noise* wHaT tHe FuCk

~Drina dies~

Me: *louder yelling*

Authors: lol.

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