Head Cannons of the Four Fallen (Meilin)

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She's got a fear of snakes (which is kinda obvious after what happened)


She punched Devin/Worthy for laughing at Conor.


She's the overprotective mom friend and everyone is okay with that.




She like the colour pink, not bright pink, but sunset pink.


She really likes sunrises and sunsets and forces the other three to watch them with her.


Sometimes she only takes Rollan (#relintrash)


Everyone is highkey scared of her.


First women ever to join the Zhongese Military and climb to the rank of General.


She has nightmares of the bile and turning again.


She can sometimes still hear Gerathon whispering in that back of her mind.


She says really deep things at random times which causes everyone to reevaluate their life choices.


Just saying, in modern times she would probably love Halsey or Melanie Martinez.


She never gave birth because she didn't want to have the same fate as her mother.


Her other favourite colour is brown because of Rollan's eyes.


After being cured of the Bile she would sometimes wake up screaming. Olvan finally agreed to move Rollan's room beside her so that he's there to calm her down.


When she learned that Rollan hated nicknames and that his old nickname was Justice she never stopped calling him that.


She really likes Bulldogs and Pitbulls because of how they look mean but are really sweet (Like how people saw her as weak when she was strong).


She and Abeke have girl night every month.


She learned how to play instruments again.


Her emotions are being controlled better and she couldn't be happier.


Her and Jhi regularly go on their own private adventures to strengthen their bonds.


She used her own inherited money to create an orphanage for all Zhongese children so no one faces the same fate as Rollan.


She steals Rollan's shirts.


She likes flower crowns. So like just imagine her wearing a really pretty flower crown while beating up a conqueror.

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