The story of Alice

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I stared at the passing green pasture that looked like it went on for miles. The sky was a purple pinkish color but my focus was not on the sky, but on the loads and loads of green overtaking my vision. Green was never my favorite color, but it put me under a trance. I wanted to get out of the car and bounce around, but I didn't. Not after what happened, even if it was years ago. I still have nightmares, but thinking about her will just make me sad again, and I don't think I want to remember. But for some reason, my thoughts drifted to her. I continued to look out the window, looking at the passing green grass, but I wasn't thinking about it. I let my mind wander to that dark path, remembering.

When I was a little girl, in pigtails and my pink flowing dress, I liked to play in the green grass. I used to dance around without a care in the world, and lay down on the soft cotton like grass, looking up at the stars. I would smile to myself because it made me happy. The stars shined down on me while my eyes twinkled up at them. I remember that they used to make shapes for me. I once saw them draw me a pig and a wolf, resembling the three little piggies and the big bad wolf. Its as if they were putting on a show for me.

The next day, I went near the pasture again, but this time I wasn't alone. A little girl like me, was standing on the left side of me, a few yards away. I admired her from my backyard. We had no fence separating us, so I had a clear view. She had long blonde hair that reached halfway down her back. In the sun, it made her hair look like it was glowing. She looked like an angel. I slowly walked near her, she jumped from hearing the padding of feet behind her. I stopped, and stared at her while she stared at me. We both giggled like we've known each other for years. She asked me if I wanted to play in the green grass with her. Her voice was so soft and pure. My mother would always tell me never to talk to strangers, but I made an exception and nodded at her.

She was 2 years older than I was. She told me she was 14 and I told her I was 12. I told her my name was Emma and she said hers was Alice, like Alice in wonderland. We played in the pasture behind our houses, there was no fence, just green grass that stretched for miles.

We would twirl in circles and sing songs that made us giggle. We would pick daises and make flower crowns for each other. We became best friends. We layed down on the freshly cut grass right next to each other. We were so close that if I turned my head, we would bump noses.

"What do you think the meaning of life is", she asked me thoughtfully, slicing through the thick silence there was before. I pondered her question, but I couldn't think of a response. All I knew is that life meant what we were. We were existing, we were there. So she asked me another question.

"How about this one. What's your favorite color."
I didn't have to think about that one too hard as the color blue slipped out of my mouth. She smiled while looking up at the baby blue sky. All she said was, me too.

Our days continued like this. We would meet up behind our houses to play in the never ending grass. But there was a day in particular that was strange.

I ran outside from my back door and waited patiently for the bouncing blonde girl. She came outside a few minutes after I did, but she wasn't as cheerful as I was. I ignored it, thinking maybe that she was tired or that it was a bad day. We walked towards each other and then towards the overgrowing grass. I was making a flower crown while she sat across from me, watching me. Then suddenly, she started coughing. She couldn't stop coughing as she bent over the grass, her hand over her mouth. Then I saw it. The color red seeping through her hand and onto the grass. She was coughing up blood and I didn't know why or what to do in this situation. It was frightening to see this all play out infront of my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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