IV. Jealousy is the Ugliest Trait*

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, yeah okay that sounds great. I'll text you my address."

"Great, awesome. I'll see you tonight, around 7."

We part ways and I hear a faint, "Yes!" as Scott rounds the corner.

Heart emoji!!!


Hair up, hair down? Long sleeve or jacket?

The indecisive Camille comes out and I panic because I have been in my towel for an hour trying to figure out if I should go cute or comfy.

It's already 6:45 and my outfit or hair is nowhere near ready.

*knock knock*

"Hi, babygirl-- Whoa your room is a mess. What's going on?" My moms voice fills my room and I smile at her as I go back to flying my clothes in every direction.

"Hi mom, I know it is but I'm going out tonight, remember? I told you on Monday when you got home?" I look up at her briefly and she stands there and ponders.

"Yeah, you and I both know that when I come home after a 3rd shift, things go in one ear and out the other. Who you heading out with?" She plops on my bed.

"With a bunch of friends to the ice rink. I am super excited. Scott McCall asked me to join them and he is picking me up... in like 15 minutes and I am having such a brain fart on how to dress!"

On cue, my mom hands my my favorite maroon long sleeve and dark skinny jeans.

I smile, and snatch them from her. "Thank you!"

After throwing that on, a few coats of mascara and flinging my hair into a messy bun, I get down just in time get a text from Scott that he is outside waiting.

Just breath, all I got to do is breath and hope to god I can get out English as we drive to the ice rink. I open my door and he is standing there getting ready to press the door bell.

"Oh, hi. You ready?" He asks me as he holds a helmet to his hip and another helmet in his hand.

"Usually guys bring flowers, but you bring.. helmets?" I point to them.

He laughs pursing his lips and holds on out, "Their for my dirt bike."

Stepping back, I see a green and white dirt bike. He is picking me up on a dirt bike? This should be great.

"Oh, oh right of course. Why else would you bring that? For your dirt bike.." I trail off, trying not to show mt nervousness.

"Uh, are you alright with that? I can run to the hospital and get my mom's car?" He begins to speak quickly and feel stupid for judging what he uses as transportation.

"No,no that isn't necessary. I've just never got picked up for date before... on a dirt bike, of course. I've been on a date in car though. Um, sorry. I'm happy that you are picking me up." I say after mentally wanting to slam the door in my face.

We both smile and look to our feet. He holds out the helmet, which I take and then his hand.

Does he want me to hold it? Oh god, he wants me to hold his hand.

I hesitantly grab it and smiles, biting his bottom lip. I think I might pass out.

"Let's go, shall we."



"Where is Scott?" I ask Stiles as he still struggles with tying his skates, though he is an excellent skater.

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